


Class Icon not scaling larger with unit frame resizing

ZoopGH opened this issue ยท 1 comments



When I resize the Arena Unit Frames by increasing the bar height, the Class Icon module is not scaling larger correctly with the bar height. It looks like the Class Icon only enlarges to 40 for bar height. Afterwards, if you keep increasing the bar height above 40, the Class Icon will not keep scaling and there will be borders/background around the Class Icon. When I used GladiusEx in the past expansions, this problem did not occur and the Class Icon would be as large as I want it to be to match my bar height. Can you please help fix this when you have the chance?

Thank you very much for all your time and consideration. I really appreciate all the work you put into this addon!


Having the same issue.
The icon in the ClassIcon frame doesn't scale above 45, leaving black pixels between icon and blizzard's icon border/empty gex frame backdrop when cropping class icon.