


GGL Settings (Sometimes?) Don't Save

Er00 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Apologies in advance, this is quite a rubbish bug report - I'll try to investigate further tomorrow if I can.

It seems that (sometimes?) GGL doesn't save its settings in terms of which boxes are ticked in the first tab (eg speedy loot). I've not noticed a specific pattern for when it seems to reset, I thought it was resetting every time but just relogged and it was saved that time so, yeah, sorry for lack of repro and I'll work on that!


Hey @Er00 ,

There are a few kinks we're still working out, if you can find any more on this happy to dive into it further. I haven't seen this behavior, but certainly open to the idea that there are bugs we haven't found. (=

I'll keep this open while you investigate. Thanks!


Hey @Er00 ,

New version of GogoLoot is out; mind investigating to see if you can reproduce this issue?


I've struggled to repro it (it definitely seemed to happen a few times before I filed this report but nothing since) so I'll put it down to either user error or something that's fixed in latest version! Can always reopen if it comes back.


@Er00 ,


There are a few bugs we're tracking / working on. If you see any others add 'em to the list. Appreciate the feedback!
