


Classic era - Lua error

Slivo-fr opened this issue · 2 comments


I had this error multiple time during raid, it look like it prevented the addon to cycle over all the loots

6x GogoLoot\loot-Butin.lua:304: table index is nil
GogoLoot\loot-Butin.lua:304: in function `VacuumSlot'
GogoLoot\loot-Butin.lua:534: in function `doLootStep'
GogoLoot\loot-Butin.lua:554: in function <GogoLoot\loot.lua:474>

self = <table> {
 AUTO_ROLL_DISABLED = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Auto %s on BoEs Disabled!"
 OUT_OF_RANGE = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Tried to loot %s to %s, but %s was out of range."
 HideNotification = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:145
 creators = <table> {
 CreateNotification = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:153
 SOFTRES_ROLL = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Per SoftRes.It List, %s will be rolled on by %s!"
 ShowNotification = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:185
 validFilters = <table> {
 SetSoftresProfile = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:50
 textToRarity = <table> {
 textToName = <table> {
 areWeMasterLooter = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:236
 validBOPInstances = <table> {
 GetGroupMemberNames = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:199
 showLootFrame = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:243
 textToLink = <table> {
 BuildConfig = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:18
 SOFTRES_LOOT = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Per SoftRes.It List, %s goes to %s!"
 json = <table> {
 _frame = <table> {
 _inInstance = true
 isInGroup = true
 HandleSoftresLooted = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:94
 AUTO_ROLL_ENABLED = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Auto %s on BoEs Enabled!"
 UnitName = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:135
 softresRemoveQueue = <table> {
 HandleSoftresRollWin = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:108
 canOpenWindow = false
 MirrorServerNames = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:121
 softresRemoveRoll = <table> {
 BuildWeightedPlayerMap = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:8
 LOOT_TARGET_DISABLED_MESSAGE = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Master Looter Active! %s items will use Standard Master Looter Window!"
 BuildUI = <function> defined @GogoLoot\ui.lua:89
 IsCreator = <function> defined @GogoLoot\ui.lua:81
 VacuumSlotSolo = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:255
 LOOT_TARGET_MESSAGE = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Master Looter Active! %s items will go to %s!"
 ADDON_CONFLICT = "GogoLoot : You have multiple addons running that are attempting to interact with the loot window. This will cause problems. If you don't disable your other loot addons you will experience issues with GogoLoot."
 conflicts = <table> {
 SOFTRES_LOOT_HARD = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Per SoftRes.It Hard Reserve, %s goes to %s!"
 HandleSoftresLoot = <function> defined @GogoLoot\softres.lua:132
 SOFTRES_URL = "{rt4} GogoLoot : Softres.it URL https://softres.it/raid/%s"
 SOFTRES_ACTIVE = "{rt4} GogoLoot : SoftRes.It List Imported! %s Reserves across %s Items included."
 rarityToText = <table> {
 VacuumSlot = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:260
index = 4
playerIndex = <table> {
 mimöelfe-finkle = 12
 gnomeball-amnennar = 2
 nena = 9
 stealz-amnennar = 10
 gimlou = 19
 shiinook-finkle = 18
 iti-finkle = 15
 machette = 13
 saefi-amnennar = 16
 syldriel = 6
 vladus = 17
 fidelma-amnennar = 11
 ayashiba-finkle = 8
 gauloiskiki = 20
 tutulle-amnennar = 5
 laaly-amnennar = 1
 doralina-amnennar = 3
 delq = 4
 purulex-finkle = 7
 wathson-finkle = 14
validPreviouslyHack = <table> {
 wathson-finkle = true
lootLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:19885::::::::60:::::::|h[Mauvais oeil de Jin'do]|h|r"
color = "a335ee"
rarity = 4
doLoot = true
id = 19885
softresResult = <table> {
 1 = "Gimlou"
 2 = "Doralina"
targetPlayerName = "wathson-finkle"
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = "Gimlou"
 2 = "Doralina"
(for control) = 2
_ = 2
player = "Doralina"
lower = "doralina"
(*temporary) = <table> {
 19 = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = "doralina"
 2 = 19885
(*temporary) = "doralina"
(*temporary) = 19885
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
debug = <function> defined @GogoLoot\loot.lua:6
ItemInfoCache = <table> {

It's the names... I think there's a fix coming soon on this. I don't play much any more. Ping @AeroScripts for an update. Cheers!


Not able to reproduce this issue.