Consolidate Trade Announce Messages & Work Through "Long" Message Issue
Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Message: SendChatMessage(): Chat message limits exceeded
Time: Sat Sep 4 17:47:30 2021
Count: 3
Stack: SendChatMessage(): Chat message limits exceeded
[string "@interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua"]:761: in function <...Ons\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:717>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\WIM\Modules\WhisperEngine.lua"]:746: in function SendChatMessage' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GogoLoot\trade.lua"]:124: in function
[string "@interface\AddOns\GogoLoot\trade.lua"]:255: in function `TradeEvent'
[string "@interface\AddOns\GogoLoot\loot.lua"]:459: in function <Interface\AddOns\GogoLoot\loot.lua:445>
Locals: errMsg = "SendChatMessage(): Chat message limits exceeded"
isBugGrabber = nil
tsmErrMsg = nil
oldModule = nil
private =
globalNameTranslation =
FormatErrorMessageSection = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:517
ErrorHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:134
origErrorHandler = defined @interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:296
hitInternalError = false
CreateErrorFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:536
num = 0
SanitizeString = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:510
AddonBlockedHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:502
GetStackLevelInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:344
ParseLocals = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:396
ignoreErrors = false
errorReports =
IsTSMAddon = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:478
localLinesTemp =
GetStackInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster\LibTSM\Service\ErrorHandler.lua:313
1 = "TradeSkillMaster_Accounting"
2 = "TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB"
3 = "TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning"
4 = "TradeSkillMaster_Crafting"
5 = "TradeSkillMaster_Destroying"
6 = "TradeSkillMaster_Mailing"
7 = "TradeSkillMaster_Shopping"
8 = "TradeSkillMaster_Vendoring"
9 = "TradeSkillMaster_Warehousing"
Adding the same items to 1 message is going to help in some scenario's, but not in all.
There is a maximum of 5 links in the same message, so if either of the two trade-parts contains 6 different items (or 5 items and an enchant) the crash will occur. I am trying to split the message into two separated ones ATM, which so far seem promising.
I am unable to replicate this, so far. Tried trading to some one, getting something traded, as well as both at the same time.
Any more info on this?
Based on the error, it seems the message was too long, but that has not changed since last commit, so I think it might have been in the AddOn for a while longer.
Let's move this back to Planning.
I think it's possible when you do like...
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper x10
and 500g 50s
Likely an edge case we need to work through, given the 255 character limit.
TSM combines it where it can, so when you mail it would just say, "Greater Eternal Essence x60". Anyway I think this is something we'll have to fiddle with later.