


Allow some more ability downranking

Anonomit opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I know this addon isn't maintained anymore, but the RankSentinel dev is still using your spreadsheet. He seems to not want to address any issues with the spreadsheet, but I can't be sure what the reason may be since he's been closing those issues without comment. So I don't know where else to post this. Please direct me if there's a better place.

Life Tap and Health Funnel are both abilities which should be filtered out. Lower rank versions can be used to avoid unnecessary health loss, especially in PvP. All ranks can be used for this in Classic Era, while only the ~3 most recent ranks (and rank 1) are really useful in TBC and onward due to the downranking penalty. I think it makes the most sense to exclude it entirely. Health Funnel is also very downrankable since it doesn't seem to pay the normal downrank penalty, so lower ranks become extremely efficient.