

LUA Error in Login

Wyr3d opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Still getting this issue with Grail:

Message: Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8290: script ran too long
Time: Thu Mar 19 21:18:15 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:8290: script ran too long
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:8290: in function NPCName' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:9719: in function _RawNPCLocations'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:8242: in function NPCLocations' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:9374: in function <Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:9362> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:5883: in function ?'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:1386: in function ?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:10580: in function _Tooltip_OnEvent'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:11166: in function <Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:11166>



Yes, some people get this and it seems when they:

/dump Grail.timings

It turns out their startup time is something ridiculous like 16000 milliseconds. I have never been able to get startups to be that slow.

The problem is not in one specific place based on the reports, but in general trying to process the initial information. I am trying to figure out ways to make that processing faster, but I am still unsure why some people get startup times that are four times as slow as my worst startups.


Can you try the latest version of Grail from GitHub to see if it helps?


Sure I'll give it a shot. I also got this lua error on my current build on log in - in case you haven't fixed it on the GitHub one:

Message: Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:3642: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Time: Thu Mar 26 01:41:44 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:3642: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:3642: in function _LearnWorldQuest' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:3513: in function _AddWorldQuests'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:2075: in function ?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:10580: in function _Tooltip_OnEvent'
[string "@interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua"]:11166: in function <Interface\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua:11166>



With release 109... keep having to back up to 106, because breadcrumb notifications break with this error.

1x Grail\Grail-109.lua:4437: script ran too long [string "@Grail\Grail-109.lua"]:4437: in function _NPCsMatch'
[string "@grail\Grail-109.lua"]:4453: in function <Grail\Grail.lua:4441>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@grail\Grail-109.lua"]:4686: in function _CleanLearnedDatabase' [string "@Grail\Grail-109.lua"]:4741: in function ?'
[string "@grail\Grail-109.lua"]:1591: in function ?' [string "@Grail\Grail-109.lua"]:10634: in function _Tooltip_OnEvent'
[string "@grail\Grail-109.lua"]:11220: in function <Grail\Grail.lua:11220>

self =

QuestBreadcrumbsFor = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9241
bitMaskClassPriest = 256
IsBugged = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7105
totalRawNPCLocations = 15412.295626
bitMaskGenderMale = 8192
_RecordArtifactLevels = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9848
bitMaskCompleted = 1
_PrepareWorldQuestSelfNewNPCs = defined @grail\Grail.lua:3401
QuestLocationsAccept = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9399
IsAvailable = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7087
_HandleEventGarrisonBuildingActivated = defined @grail\Grail.lua:6792
bitMaskClassAll = 268443644
_HandleEventLootClosed = defined @grail\Grail.lua:6820
bitMaskQuestLegendary = 4096
_RemoveDelayedNotification = defined @grail\Grail.lua:5203
reputationFriends =
_PostDelayedNotification = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8505
_MarkQuestType = defined @grail\Grail.lua:5590
receivedCalendarUpdateEventList = false
bitMaskClassDeathKnight = 4
QuestNPCPrerequisiteTurnins = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9573
_ProcessServerBackup = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8930
bitMaskQuestVariableLevel = 255
MeetsRequirementGroup = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8086
_EvaluateCodeAsPrerequisite = defined @grail\Grail.lua:6109
bitMaskInLog = 16
bitMaskQuestWeekly = 4
bitMaskHolidayNoble = 256
MeetsRequirementProfession = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8171
DoesNPCExist = defined @grail\Grail.lua:6074
npcNames =
_AllEvaluateTrueS = defined @grail\Grail.lua:3772
bitMaskQuestFailureWithAncestor = 67043200
verifyTable =
_NPCToUse = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8358
garrisonBuildingLevelMapping =
bitMaskClassHunter = 16
_LoadContinentData = defined @grail\Grail.lua:3227
bitMaskQuestRaid = 128
_LocationStructure = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7652
_HandleEventAchievementEarned = defined @grail\Grail.lua:6787
checksReputationRewardsOnAcceptance = true
classToMapAreaMapping =
verifyTableCount = 0
playerGenderBitMask = 16384
_ReputationExceeds = defined @grail\Grail.lua:10036
bitMaskRaceUnused9 = 4096
zonesForLootingTreasure =
bitMaskQuestMonthly = 8
mapAreaBaseClass = 200000
exists73 = true
LearnObjectName = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7577
_ContainsAliasNPC = defined @grail\Grail.lua:5811
classToBitMapping =
FriendshipReputationNameAndLevelName = defined @grail\Grail.lua:10135
QuestBreadcrumbs = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9235
NPCName = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8310
experimental = false
bitMaskRaceNightborne = 2
mapAreaBaseReputation = 400000
UnregisterObserverQuestStatus = defined @grail\Grail.lua:10682
tooltipNPC = com_mithrandir_grailTooltipNPC {
_FactionsFromQuestGivers = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7988
QuestOnAcceptCompletes = defined @grail\Grail.lua:9585
bitMaskAncestorLevelTooHigh = 33554432
bitMaskRaceTroll = 16777216
bitMaskCanGetUnused2 = 65536
celebratingHolidayCache =
bitMaskQuestMinLevel = 65280
bitMaskLevelTooHigh = 32768
IsGroup = defined @grail\Grail.lua:7139
bitMaskCanGetUnused8 = 4194304
bitMaskCanGetUnused15 = 1073741824
MeetsRequirementGroupPossibleToComplete = defined @grail\Grail.lua:8114


@solitha Can you please send me your Grail.lua saved variables file so I can try to debug using your data?


Sure. I'm downgraded to 106 at the moment; do I need to update first and log in or will my current file do?


Technically your current file will do. However, it may not be needed any more as I have just uploaded a Grail 110 and Wholly 079 to GitHub that I believe should improve the situation immensely. If you could try those I would think this is no longer an issue.


Grail 110 is released. It should fix this issue.


Sorry I never got back on this... as I've said before I'm crud at Github. Had to wait for the update to hit Curse... but you seem to have nailed it and thank you for your work!