

Wholly incorrectly marking completed quests as incomplete

snookylops opened this issue ยท 20 comments


I was going back to farm rep and complete any missed quests in Spires of Arak, and a few chains were showing as incomplete. I was unable to find any of the needed quest givers at any of their locations. Went to look at my character on the wowhead quest completion tracker, and it turns out all the incomplete quests displayed by Wholly were flagged incorrectly by the addon.

I tried to force Grail to erase and reload completed quests, but saw no change. I went back to the wowhead tracker after completing several other quests that had been available in the zone, and it updated to show that the only incomplete quest is the one only available after reaching exalted (Mantle of the Talon King achievement) so something isn't being communicated accurately between Grail/Wholly and the blizzard database.


Power Unearthed ( and the rest of the quests on that particular chain are marked as incomplete (and unobtainable) however I have in fact done all of them way back when I originally leveled through the zone. This is on an alliance character. The only quests that were still showing as incomplete on the wowhead completion tracker was the thread ending with and I was able to fix that by building the brewery. Once that was done I was able to do all those related quests, so the only thing remaining is, which is not possible until I reach exalted with the faction.

It is now just the Power Unearthed chain that is still displaying quest markers on my map and incorrectly flagging them as incomplete in Wholly. I haven't yet searched in other zones to see if I am having the same issue with wrong info being displayed in the addon or not (sorry, I'm too sleepy atm to dig into other zones right now) but after a few hours of flying around, checking everywhere in the zone, and finally digging into this character's history on the wowhead tool, I can confirm there's a legit issue going on here. If it would help, the specific character in question is Emeraldskye on the realm Suramar.

If there is something else I need to provide, let me know what and how to get it to you. It'll have to wait until tomorrow as I am off to bed for now.


Power Unearthed is a bit tricky due to phasing. It officially requires Back from Beyond ( )to be in your questlog. Have you already done that?

The addon is not the holy grail in terms of completeness as it depends on its users to uncover wrong assumptions.

The Talon King quest so far only requires which has an exalted requirement


that is part of the lore achievement for the zone, I got Between Arak and a Hard Place back in 2017.

I'll get back to this thread after I get some sleep :) thanks for looking into this


Maybe Power Unearthed should be
G[35257]='L24676 A:85598 T:80157 P:C34942 E18612'
instead of G[35257]='L24676 A:85598 T:80157 P:O34942 E18612'

aka "must be in log or turned in"


Spires of Arrak is a bit tricky as there are 4 possible combination of quests. Two factions with 2 possible outposts constructed.
It is easier to track down such problems if you can give more specific example.

  • What quests (names+id) are problematic?
  • Are you horde or alliance?
  • Which building have you constructed?

It is also helpful to take a break right at the specific quest that gives you trouble so we can look at the state of the character more closely. Levling a new char and hoping to get it to a similiar state with quests is difficult and takes time.


I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean to me, if anything? I've completed that quest chain, but something's borked between what Blizzard says and what Grail/Wholly say. Is there anything else I can provide on my end to fix this? I'd love to help in whatever limited capacity I can, so others don't end up on a wild goose chase trying to hunt down quests that were already finished :) If nothing else, maybe a notification somewhere in the addon description or in the help options, that advises players some completed quests may be flagged incomplete, and to check their characters on a completion tracker, if they're stuck.


It is more like thinking out loud in case smaitch reads the notes or I get back to arak.
What we can always do in cases like these is make sure whatever is displayed matches the reality better. If you are past the problem though it is difficult to check


Well, since my last comment, I've gone on and reached exalted and earned the title Talon Queen, and am effectively done with Spires, but the quest icon for Power Unearthed is still appearing on the map. Whatever is broken is still there, if there's anything more I can provide on my end (not at all technically inclined so some hand-holding would be needed) I'm happy to do so. Are there any kinds of logs for Grail/Wholly that I can send? The addons have been immensely helpful to me as an altoholic & completionist, and if I can help eliminate bugs like this I'm happy to do so.


Grail stores data about the things you do in WTF\Account\yxz\SavedVariables\Grail.lua. for future problems.
If you run with /grail tracking the log gets a bit more detailed.
This won't help after the fact though.
What does typing /dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(35257) into the chatbox return for you once you confirmed it with enter?


it comes back as false


and when I check my character on the completion tracker, it now shows that I've completed 119/119 quests for Spires.


unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be possible, as the item you need is only given for the quest Back From Beyond and it's consumed on use (which is how you're able to see the NPC required to pick up the quest Power Unearthed)

at the end of the day, that quest chain is completed so it's not an issue for my character's progression and rep grind, but until whatever it is that's broken in the addons get fixed, I'll continue to see that dang quest icon on my map whenever I'm in the zone lol


Can you get back into the "shadow realm" somehow?|catg=13:0+1+2 is interesting to crawl through for all quests , regardless on what wows armory shows ;)


It should show as red, pre conditions not met, so it is a matter of adjusting wholly :)
Do you have a suggestion for a quest whose completion could lock out power unearthed and invalidate it?


According to a somewhat confused/contradictory set of comments on WoWhead, to see the quest giver you need to have consumed/be under the influence of item, given during quest. But there are contrary reports. May be there is more than one entry method.


I'll try to break that chain on the Beta Realms with a lvl 60 char and tell you what i find out.
I think i already messed with that in the past but i can't find the grail log from that time and i am not sure if Smaitch keeps an archive of everything all users send in over the years :)


So first iteration done for that Power Unearthed Quest.
All quests are given by and turned in at Rastook.
Power Unearthed seems to be a breadcrumb leading to the purple dome where you can get Hardly Working 35260 by Rastook and Sol Siters (35259) from Kura the blind.

As long as you have Rastooks quests in your log, the breadcrumb is invsible.
If you turn in 35260 , which leaves 1 quest left at rastook, you can still get power unearthed at Zelleks hut.
Once i complete the second quest, Legacy of the Apexis (35258) he leaves Zelleks hut.

Probably the other way around too.

Not sure how to code that properly because no where in the chain wow marks this breadcrumb as complete.


Hmmm, it shows that I did Hardly Working though, so I'm not sure if that's what broke it for me. Thanks for doing all this digging to try and find the root of the issue though!


If you only do Legacy of the Apexis and don't do at all , Power Unearthed vanishes.
Therefore i mark Legacy of the Apexis as invalidating Power Unearthed in the next pull request so we should display that properly.

Keep in mind the various side chains involving the construction of an outpost might still be a little bit of