

No turn-in ?s in DK starter area

Nerillida opened this issue · 5 comments


As above


New content needs new recordings.
If you have done it, upload the grail.lua from your characters wtf folder here so it can be added


G[12593]='L14140 CK A:25462 T:28357' -- In Service Of The Lich King
G[12619]='L14140 CK A:28357 T:28357 P:12593' -- The Emblazoned Runeblade
G[12842]='L14140 CK A:28357 T:28357 P:12619' -- Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
G[12848]='L14140 CK A:28357 T:28357 P:12842' -- The Endless Hunger
G[12636]='L14140 CK A:28357 T:25462 P:12848' -- The Eye Of Acherus
G[12641]='L14140 CK A:25462 T:25462 P:12636' -- Death Comes From On High
G[12657]='L14140 CK A:25462 T:28444 P:12641' -- The Might Of The Scourge
G[12849]='SP L14140 CK A:28472 T:28472 P:12657' -- The Power Of Blood, Frost And Unholy
G[12850]='L14140 CK A:28444 T:28510 P:12657' -- Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
G[12670]='L14140 CK A:28510 T:28377 P:12850' -- The Scarlet Harvest
G[12678]='L14140 CK A:28377 T:28377 P:12670' -- If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins
G[12679]='L14140 CK A:28647 T:28647 P:12670' -- Tonight We Dine In Havenshire
G[12680]='L14140 CK A:28653 T:28653 P:12670' -- Grand Theft Palomino
G[12733]='L14140 CK A:29047 T:29047 P:12670' -- Death's Challenge
G[12687]='L14140 CK A:28653 T:28653 P:12680' -- Into the Realm of Shadows
G[12711]='SP L14140 CK A:1190917 T:1190917 P:12670' -- Abandoned Mail
G[12697]='L14140 CK A:28377 T:28658 P:cccc' -- Into the Realm of Shadows
G[12697]='L14140 CK A:28377 T:28658 P:12678+12679+12687+12733' -- Gothik the Harvester
G[12698]='L14140 CK A:28658 T:28658 P:12697' -- The Gift That Keeps On Giving
G[12700]='L14140 CK A:28658 T:28377 P:12698' -- An Attack Of Opportunity
G[12701]='L14140 CK A:28377 T:28377 P:12700' -- Massacre At Light's Point
G[12706]='L14140 CK A:28377 T:28444 P:12701' -- Victory At Death's Breach!
G[12714]='L14140 CK A:28444 T:28907 P:12706' -- The Will Of The Lich King
G[12715]='L14140 CK A:28907 T:28911 P:12714' -- The Crypt of Remembrance
G[12716]='L14140 CK A:28919 T:28919 P:12714' -- The Plaguebringer's Request
G[12717]='L14140 CK A:28919 T:1190936 P:12716' -- Noth's Special Brew
G[12718]='K1 L14140 CK A:1190936 T:1190936 P:12717' -- More Skulls For Brew
G[12719]='L14140 CK A:28911 T:28911 P:12715' -- Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide
G[12720]='L14140 CK A:28911 T:28911 P:12719' -- How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
G[12722]='L14140 CK A:28910 T:28910 P:12715' -- Lambs To The Slaughter
G[12723]='L14140 CK A:28911 T:28914 P:12716+12720+12722' -- Behind Scarlet Lines
G[12724]='L14140 CK A:28914 T:28914 P:12723' -- The Path Of The Righteous Crusader
G[12725]='L14140 CK A:28913 T:28912 P:12723' -- Brothers In Death
G[12727]='L14140 CK A:28912 T:28913 P:12725' -- Bloody Breakout
G[12738]='L14140 CK A:28913 T:29053 P:12727' -- A Cry For Vengeance!
G[12739]='L14140 CK RT A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12742]='L14140 CK RH A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12743]='L14140 CK RE A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12744]='L14140 CK RF A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12745]='L14140 CK RN A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12746]='L14140 CK RD A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12747]='L14140 CK RB A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12748]='L14140 CK RO A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12749]='L14140 CK RL A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12750]='L14140 CK RU A:29053 T:29053 P:12738' -- A Special Surprise
G[12751]='L14140 CK A:29053 T:28913 P:12739,12742,12743,12746,12747,12748,12749,12750' -- A Sort Of Homecoming
G[12754]='L14140 CK A:28914 T:28914 P:12724+12751' -- Ambush At The Overlook
G[12755]='L14140 CK A:28914 T:29077 P:12754' -- A Meeting With Fate
G[12756]='L14140 CK A:29077 T:28914 P:12755' -- The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges
G[12757]='L14140 CK A:28914 T:28444 P:12756' -- Scarlet Armies Approach…
G[12778]='L14140 CK A:28444 T:29110 P:12757' -- The Scarlet Apocalypse
G[12779]='L14140 CK A:29110 T:29110 P:12778' -- An End To All Things…
G[12800]='L14140 CK A:29110 T:31082 P:12779' -- The Lich King's Command
G[12801]='L14140 CK A:31082 T:29173 P:12800' -- The Light of Dawn
G[13165]='L14140 CK A:29173 T:31084 P:12801' -- Taking Back Acherus
G[13166]='L14140 CK A:31084 T:31084 P:13165' -- The Battle For The Ebon Hold
G[13188]='fA L14140 CK A:31084 T:29611 P:13166' -- Where Kings Walk
G[13189]='fH L14140 CK A:31084 T:4949 P:13166' -- Warchief's Blessing

G[25462]={'124:51.34,35.21'} -- The Lich King
G[28357]={'124:47.6,28.9 124:47.7,29.5 124:48.2,28.4 124:48.9,27.4 124:48.9,27.5 124:49.5,28.1'} -- Instructor Razuvious
G[28444]={'124:48.85,29.70'} -- Highlord Darion Mograine
G[28472]={'124:47.48,26.55'} -- Lord Thorval
G[28510]={'124:50.70,35.09 124:50.99,34.33 124:51.72,34.89'} -- Scourge Commander Thalanor
G[28377]={'124:52.28,33.97'} -- Prince Valanar
G[28647]={'124:52.4,37.8 124:52.6,37.6 124:53.1,36.4 124:53.1,36.9 124:53.5,36.5 124:53.6,36.4'} -- Orithos the Sky Darkener
G[28653]={'124:51.8,35.6 124:52.3,34.8 124:52.4,34.3 124:52.5,34.5 124:53.1,33.6 124:53.3,33.4'} -- Salanar the Horseman
G[1190917]={'124:55.28,46.17'} -- Abandoned Mail
G[28658]={'124:54.11,35.07'} -- Gothik the Harvester
G[28911]={'124:54.30,57.31'} -- Prince Keleseth
G[28907]={'124:53.48,36.55'} -- Prince Valanar
G[28919]={'124:55.92,52.43'} -- Noth the Plaguebringer
G[28910]={'124:54.67,57.44'} -- Baron Rivendare
G[1190936]={'124:56.16,52.02'} -- Plague Cauldron
G[28914]={'124:56.26,79.85'} -- Orbaz Bloodbane
G[28913]={'124:56.27,80.16'} -- Thassarian
G[28912]={'124:62.95,67.87'} -- Koltira Deathweaver
G[29053]={'124:52.63,80.99 124:52.97,82.06 124:52.73,82.53'} -- Knight Commander Plaguefist
G[29077]={'124:65.67,83.82'} -- High General Abbendis
G[29110]={'124:53.58,36.87 N:25462'} -- The Lich King
G[31082]={'124:33.99,30.46 N:28510'} -- Scourge Commander Thalanor
G[29173]={'124:34.43,31.11 N:28444'} -- Highlord Darion Mograine

NOTE: the below version works
G[31084]={'124:50.82,34.01'} -- Highlord Darion Mograine
G[31084]={'1423:83.45,49.41 N:28444'} -- Highlord Darion Mograine
IS THE ACTUL COORDS, possible phasing error

G[29611]={'FA 1453:79.99,38.46'} -- King Varian Wrynn
G[4949]={'FH 85:32.3,37.8 85:32.5,38.7 85:32.8,37.8'} -- Thrall

G[12593]='In Service Of The Lich King'
G[12619]='The Emblazoned Runeblade'
G[12636]='The Eye Of Acherus'
G[12641]='Death Comes From On High'
G[12657]='The Might Of The Scourge'
G[12670]='The Scarlet Harvest'
G[12678]='If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins'
G[12679]='Tonight We Dine In Havenshire'
G[12680]='Grand Theft Palomino'
G[12687]='Into the Realm of Shadows'
G[12697]='Gothik the Harvester'
G[12698]='The Gift That Keeps On Giving'
G[12700]='An Attack Of Opportunity'
G[12701]="Massacre At Light's Point"
G[12706]="Victory At Death's Breach"
G[12711]='Abandoned Mail'
G[12714]='The Will Of The Lich King'
G[12715]='The Crypt of Remembrance'
G[12716]="The Plaguebringer's Request"
G[12717]="Noth's Special Brew"
G[12718]='More Skulls For Brew'
G[12719]='Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide'
G[12720]='How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies'
G[12722]='Lambs To The Slaughter'
G[12723]='Behind Scarlet Lines'
G[12724]='The Path Of The Righteous Crusader'
G[12725]='Brothers In Death'
G[12727]='Bloody Breakout'
G[12733]="Death's Challenge"
G[12738]='A Cry For Vengeance!'
G[12739]='A Special Surprise'
G[12742]='A Special Surprise'
G[12743]='A Special Surprise'
G[12746]='A Special Surprise'
G[12747]='A Special Surprise'
G[12748]='A Special Surprise'
G[12749]='A Special Surprise'
G[12750]='A Special Surprise'
G[12751]='A Sort Of Homecoming'
G[12754]='Ambush At The Overlook'
G[12755]='A Meeting With Fate'
G[12756]='The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges'
G[12757]='Scarlet Armies Approach…'
G[12778]='The Scarlet Apocalypse'
G[12779]='An End To All Things…'
G[12800]="The Lich King's Command"
G[12801]='The Light of Dawn'
G[12842]='Runeforging: Preparation For Battle'
G[12848]='The Endless Hunger'
G[12849]='The Power Of Blood, Frost And Unholy'
G[12850]='Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor'
G[13165]='Taking Back Acherus'
G[13166]='The Battle For The Ebon Hold'
G[13188]='Where Kings Walk'
G[13189]="Warchief's Blessing"


And no "?"s even with above.


I had started playing a DK, and the initial data I collected and this matches up. I assume anyone interested in using this will just copy it from here. I will update it with the normal data, but I also want to clean up the files a bit so the classic data does not include the more modern stuff (even in the "if" blocks). Was there some other "?" you are referring to?


The turn in position.

I am not sure that my data is 100%. I got some weird turn-in combinations. More skulls being one.