

WotLK - Wholly not showing ANY of the TBC content (or WotLK) in Quest Log

Wyr3d opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Just flew to Outland to finish off some quests from my log before heading out to Northrend on an old character, and the main menu fails to show the categories for Outland. Under Continent is Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, and that is all. Class, Profession, and Reputation categories are there, and Achievements has sub-categories for Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, Cooking, Fishing, Pet Battle (weirdly) and Other. Reputation Changes only has Classic.

Then is an Other category, with a handful of Helfire Peninsula quests, and a bunch listed under "Azeroth" and Daily.

But yeah, the whole of Outland section, and well as Nothrend are missing. Please note that these quests do exist, as the numbers show up for them when taking a quest, but they are not showing in Wholly's Quest Log interface.