


Wyr3d opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Listed as "out-of-date" Likely just needs a .toc update to 10.0.7?

Doesn't appear to have any LUA arrors, but there may be additional quests iunno about (haven't played retail in a while)


It just needs to be tagged and packaged.


No worries then...

But while you are here, can you look into fixing the BC questlines in WotLK? None of these show up in Outland, but they are in the data base. I ran a search on one quest, and it popped up but said "unknown" for some reason. Back in BC they all worked fine


I'll see about getting a release out to curse forge tonight or tomorrow. The one here should already be good for the latest release.


I'll send a PR and fresh data later so we can make Forbidden Reach better.


Okay then. So if I want to update WotLK, I can either wait for the Curse update, or download the files here and simply replace the existing ones in classic addon's folder, right? In the second case, is it only the Grail-When folder I should skip out? I figure this would replace existing Grail-When data, which I don't want - but is there anything else I should be wary of doing it this way?


#325 has the current data
#337 my changes
and i think we need to adjust the hooks for SendPlayerChoice according to
The daily allegiance choice on Forbidden Reach isn't logged properly it seems.


So, yeah. I tried copying the latest version and pasted over the exisitng files for WotLK Classic, but this did not fix the issue. Outland still lacks the majority of it's quests, and zones in Wholly's interface:


Only Hellfire Penisula shows up, and even with all the completed quests shown, only a handful are displayed


I guess this might actually a Wholly issue though..


is this still out of date? (retail version) still needs load out of date addons checked..


Still out of date I believe. Showing 10.0.5