

bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))

yoshimo opened this issue ยท 7 comments

4x bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetQuestTagInfo'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:7942: in function `GetQuestTagInfo'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:4056: in function `_AddWorldQuests'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:2319: in function `?'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:12641: in function `_Tooltip_OnEvent'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:13569: in function <Grail/Grail.lua:13569>

(*temporary) = "bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))"

still looking into it


If you are running in the 11.0.5 PTR then I believe I have a fix for this.

diff --git a/Grail/Grail.lua b/Grail/Grail.lua
index 917e167..a7b5b41 100644
--- a/Grail/Grail.lua
+++ b/Grail/Grail.lua
@@ -4050,6 +4050,10 @@ end,
                                local tasks = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID(mapId)
                                if nil ~= tasks and 0 < #tasks then
                                        for k,v in ipairs(tasks) do
+                                               -- In 11.0.5 the questId is now questID so an adjustment is made here.
+                                               if nil == v.questId then
+                                                       v.questId = v.questID
+                                               end
                                                if self.GDE.debug then
                                                        local tagID, tagName, worldQuestType, rarity, isElite, tradeskillLineIndex = self:GetQuestTagInfo(v.questId)
                                                        if tagID and ((nil == self._LearnedWorldQuestProfessionMapping[tagID] and nil == self._LearnedWorldQuestTypeMapping[tagID]) or self.GDE.worldquestforcing) then


indeed i was.
Might not be needed once it goes life. Blizzards Interface errors too so i guess it is an oversight on their end.


until @smaitch has released a new version you can add the changes of #365 (comment) yourself.
They are part of #363 too.


I'm on Live server and the error is still happening. Are they going to fix the code any time soon?


Hi, i got the error aswell, what are we supposed to do with this code above?


Hi, i got the error aswell, what are we supposed to do with this code above?

You could open the file Grail.lua , find the Lines around GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID and add the 3 lines that start with + (without that sign itself) so the block is extended.

The simpler solution is downloading and putting the Grail-Folders from within that archive in your Interface\Addons folder and overwrite the existing ones.
That way you will get the most recent quest data as well.



Thanks for that, this solved it ;-)