bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))
yoshimo opened this issue ยท 7 comments
4x bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetQuestTagInfo'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:7942: in function `GetQuestTagInfo'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:4056: in function `_AddWorldQuests'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:2319: in function `?'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:12641: in function `_Tooltip_OnEvent'
[string "@Grail/Grail.lua"]:13569: in function <Grail/Grail.lua:13569>
(*temporary) = "bad argument #1 to '?' (Usage: local info = C_QuestLog.GetQuestTagInfo(questID))"
still looking into it
If you are running in the 11.0.5 PTR then I believe I have a fix for this.
diff --git a/Grail/Grail.lua b/Grail/Grail.lua
index 917e167..a7b5b41 100644
--- a/Grail/Grail.lua
+++ b/Grail/Grail.lua
@@ -4050,6 +4050,10 @@ end,
local tasks = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID(mapId)
if nil ~= tasks and 0 < #tasks then
for k,v in ipairs(tasks) do
+ -- In 11.0.5 the questId is now questID so an adjustment is made here.
+ if nil == v.questId then
+ v.questId = v.questID
+ end
if self.GDE.debug then
local tagID, tagName, worldQuestType, rarity, isElite, tradeskillLineIndex = self:GetQuestTagInfo(v.questId)
if tagID and ((nil == self._LearnedWorldQuestProfessionMapping[tagID] and nil == self._LearnedWorldQuestTypeMapping[tagID]) or self.GDE.worldquestforcing) then
indeed i was.
Might not be needed once it goes life. Blizzards Interface errors too so i guess it is an oversight on their end.
until @smaitch has released a new version you can add the changes of #365 (comment) yourself.
They are part of #363 too.
I'm on Live server and the error is still happening. Are they going to fix the code any time soon?
Hi, i got the error aswell, what are we supposed to do with this code above?
You could open the file Grail.lua , find the Lines around GetQuestsForPlayerByMapID and add the 3 lines that start with + (without that sign itself) so the block is extended.
The simpler solution is downloading and putting the Grail-Folders from within that archive in your Interface\Addons folder and overwrite the existing ones.
That way you will get the most recent quest data as well.