

Error after logging into character

Dragnogd opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hiya, I'm currently getting the following error each time I log into the game. I have disabled all addons apart from grail and wholly. Thanks

6x Grail\Grail-098.lua:3013: attempt to compare number with nil
Grail\Grail-098.lua:3013: in function `_AddWorldQuestsUpdateTimes'
Grail\Grail-098.lua:3132: in function <Grail\Grail.lua:3132>

self = <table> {
 QuestBreadcrumbsFor = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8357
 bitMaskClassPriest = 256
 IsBugged = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6446
 bitMaskGenderMale = 8192
 _RecordArtifactLevels = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8932
 bitMaskCompleted = 1
 tooltip = com_mithrandir_grailTooltip {
 QuestLocationsAccept = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8515
 IsAvailable = <function> daefined @Grail\Grail.lua:6428
 NO_SKILL = -1
 _HandleEventGarrisonBuildingActivated = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6133
 bitMaskClassAll = 268443644
 _HandleEventLootClosed = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6161
 bitMaskQuestLegendary = 4096
 _RemoveDelayedNotification = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:4613
 reputationFriends = <table> {
 _PostDelayedNotification = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7752
 _MarkQuestType = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:4973
 receivedCalendarUpdateEventList = true
 bitMaskClassDeathKnight = 4
 QuestNPCPrerequisiteTurnins = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8686
 _ProcessServerBackup = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8064
 bitMaskQuestVariableLevel = 4278190080
 MeetsRequirementGroup = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7354
 _EvaluateCodeAsPrerequisite = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:5475
 bitMaskInLog = 16
 bitMaskQuestWeekly = 4
 bitMaskHolidayNoble = 256
 MeetsRequirementProfession = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7439
 DoesNPCExist = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:5440
 npcNames = <table> {
 _AllEvaluateTrueS = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:3322
 bitMaskQuestFailureWithAncestor = 67043200
 verifyTable = <table> {
 _NPCToUse = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7617
 garrisonBuildingLevelMapping = <table> {
 bitMaskClassHunter = 16
 _LoadContinentData = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:2880
 bitMaskQuestRaid = 128
 _LocationStructure = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6960
 _HandleEventAchievementEarned = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6128
 checksReputationRewardsOnAcceptance = true
 classToMapAreaMapping = <table> {
 verifyTableCount = 0
 playerGenderBitMask = 8192
 _ReputationExceeds = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:9120
 bitMaskRaceUnused9 = 4096
 zonesForLootingTreasure = <table> {
 bitMaskQuestMonthly = 8
 mapAreaBaseClass = 200000
 exists73 = true
 LearnObjectName = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6902
 _ContainsAliasNPC = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:5194
 classToBitMapping = <table> {
 FriendshipReputationNameAndLevelName = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:9219
 QuestBreadcrumbs = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8351
 NPCName = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7572
 experimental = false
 bitMaskRaceNightborne = 2
 mapAreaBaseReputation = 400000
 UnregisterObserverQuestStatus = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:9763
 tooltipNPC = com_mithrandir_grailTooltipNPC {
 QuestOnAcceptCompletes = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:8698
 bitMaskAncestorLevelTooHigh = 33554432
 bitMaskRaceTroll = 16777216
 bitMaskCanGetUnused2 = 65536
 _IntegerFromStringPosition = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:5028
 bitMaskQuestMinLevel = 65280
 bitMaskLevelTooHigh = 32768
 IsGroup = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:6480
 bitMaskCanGetUnused8 = 4194304
 bitMaskCanGetUnused15 = 1073741824
 MeetsRequirementGroupPossibleToComplete = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:7382
 questReputations = <table> {
 versionNumber = 98
 _ProcessQuestsForHandlers = <function> defined @Grail\Grail.lua:80

The latest version I just pushed to GitHub that should fix this issue.


One assume since the release has been made available worldwide this is no longer an issue.