

Problems with Kul Tiran humans

glassleo opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I don't know why this happens but Grail doesn't work at all on Kul Tiran Humans. Every single quest in the game thinks says I am the wrong race when I'm on a Kul Tiran, so only quests in my log will show up in Wholly. This includes quests flagged to be available for Any race.

There is also a long freeze when logging in that only happens on Kul Tirans. Everything works fine with all other races including Zandalari Trolls and Dark Iron Dwarves.

There are no Lua errors.


I'm pretty sure the issue is with the Kul Tiran bitmap. Pretending to be Dark Iron by changing the bitmap to 0x00000004 makes quests show up and I no longer freeze for several seconds when loading the addon.


Until I get a new release out, if you want to edit the Grail.lua file you can change the line that looks like:
bitMaskRaceAll = 0x6fff800f,
to the following:
bitMaskRaceAll = 0xffff800f,
The difference is that first "6" becomes an "f" which should allow both of the two new Allied races to be considered part of "all races".




Should be fixed with 117faac


Grail 100 has been released and has this fix.