attempt to concatenate local 'soughtParameter' (a nil value)
yoshimo opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Date: 2019-10-09 23:08:07
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Grail\Grail.lua line 7524:
attempt to concatenate local 'soughtParameter' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
(tail call): ?
Grail\Grail.lua:9836: StatusCode()
Grail\Grail.lua:4011: ClassificationOfQuestCode()
Wholly\Wholly.lua:1507: _ClassifyQuestsInMap()
Wholly\Wholly.lua:3326: _RecordTooltipNPCs()
Wholly\Wholly.lua:645: ?()
Wholly\Wholly.lua:2589: _OnEvent()
I suspect this has to do with the new allied factions, vulpera and mechagnomes
It means that we have an S or R code in a quest that is not being handled properly because the race is nil (which means it is probably not a supported one in Grail). Have you added a code for one of these races? When are those races available?
I havent added anything yet, because i wasnt sure if just continuing the race bitmask with the next two doubled numbers was enough.
We need to get letters to represent them and then match those letter codes with the bit mask values. And then get localized names (which I have not even done for the previous ones). Then we need to update the "all" bit mask. There are a few things that need to be done. :-)
Dump: value=UnitRace("player")
Is there an api for localised gender specific race translations?
Or better german table:
gender | localised Race in german | english race | race id | faction |
female | Mechagnom | Mechagnome | 37 | alliance |
male | Mechagnom | Mechagnome | 37 | alliance |
female | Vulpera | Vulpera | 35 | horde |
male | Vulpera | Vulpera | 35 | horde |
female | Nachtgeborene | Nightborne | 27 | alliance |
male | Nachtgeborener | Nightborne | 27 | alliance |
female | Hochbergtauren | HighmountainTauren | 28 | horde |
male | Hochbergtauren | HighmountainTauren | 28 | horde |
female | Mag'har | MagharOrc | 36 | horde |
male | Mag'har | MagharOrc | 36 | horde |
female | Zandalaritroll | ZandalariTroll | 31 | horde |
male | Zandalaritroll | ZandalariTroll | 31 | horde |
female | Lichtgeschmiedete Draenei | LightforgedDraenei | 30 | alliance |
male | Lichtgeschmiedeter Draenei | LightforgedDraenei | 30 | alliance |
female | Dunkeleisenzwergin | DarkIronDwarf | 34 | alliance |
male | Dunkeleisenzwerg | DarkIronDwarf | 34 | alliance |
female | Kul Tiranerin | KulTiran | 32 | alliance |
male | Kul Tiraner | KulTiran | 32 | alliance |
female | Leerenelfe | VoidElf | 29 | alliance |
male | Leerenelf | VoidElf | 29 | alliance |