


Not an issue but a feature request. Placeholders for Names etc.

Lancaban opened this issue · 5 comments


I've sued several different auto-gratz type addons over the year, I REALLY love to be able to create random messages to select between, and gratwurst works really well

A lot of other addons of this type have not been updated in years and no longer work.

One thing I do miss though is like Placeholders for names & etc.

Like guild greet used to use :

%c - Character Name
%n - name as used in %s
%a - alias of current character
%m - main if available
%A - Main Alias if available
%l - level if available
%L - levels left to cap
%C class if available, empty if else
%r - rankname 
%v - achievement
%g - guild alias
%G - Guild Name

Gratz used to use

#n - Name of the achiever (Only for individual gratz messages)
#g - Name of the guild (Only for guild gratz messages)
#f - Name of your faction. (Currently only for Battlegrounds, but might be added to all. Also in rated battlegrounds, I do not know what it will use if you are playing the opposite faction's side).
#e - Name of the enemy faction (Same as #f).
#b - Name of the battleground (Battleground victory messages only).

Robust, and I'm fairly certain not super easy to implement. But if there is any chance at all of getting at least one or two of these, like the character name & the achievement or something, it would be wonderful


currently, there is the ability to do this with player names - '$player' should get the player's name into the message. We can investigate the other ones.


Oh cool!! I didn't see it mentioned on the info page or anything, so I didn't realize, sorry about that!!!


No worries. I think it's on the settings page, but I will have to verify that


I think I made a label in the addon configuration/settings window that says it. It'll be fun to see what else we can pull in. Thanks @Lancaban


Thank you for making a great addon!!!