


Add support for sharing legendary loot toasts

mrogaski opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Allow sharing of loot toasts for legendary items across confederations. This appears to be handled by the SHOW_LOOT_TOAST_LEGENDARY_LOOTED event, but research into the trigger, transmission, and display details is needed.


I was able to see that when I received a new legendary that the event I tossed in GreenWall.lua triggered (lines 286 & 602+):


	elseif event == 'SHOW_LOOT_TOAST_LEGENDARY_LOOTED' then
		SendChatMessage("Legendary", "WHISPER", nil, "Torsin")

I assume that from line 416 in AlertFrames.lua that a line similar to:

local itemLink = ...;

could be used within the system, instead of the simple Whisper I used to check the event, to send an appropriate message through greenwall.


So I added the RegisterEvent and the following:

	elseif event == 'SHOW_LOOT_TOAST_LEGENDARY_LOOTED' then
		SendChatMessage(..., "WHISPER", nil, "Torsin")

I Received a Legendary, and promptly received a whisper from myself:

[Torsin]: [Soul of the Grandmaster]
To [Torsin]: [Soul of the Grandmaster]

If I knew enough about Greenwall I could use that to create the appropriate send, but since I dont....


1.9.0-alpha is up on Curse and it handles the legendary loot like it does achievements, but includes a rarity check.

Unfortunately, my participation in WoW at this point makes it impossible to test this.


Well it didn't work on a crafted legendary, so we'll see if it works on a legendary drop...whenever that occurs.


Would this require both sides to have the Alpha version or only the Legendary recipient?