Grey Handling

Grey Handling


This addon seems to hijack the print() function

thefuzzy0ne opened this issue ยท 3 comments


With an addon I am working on, I was trying to debug a chat filter . After about 2 hours of not getting the output I was expecting, I disabled Grey Handling (as I noticed the name pop up a lot in chat when it shouldn't) and I finally got the output I was expecting.

This addon seems to cause lots of problems when trying to print to a chat frame using print. It seems to gobble up everything after the first argument to print. Just running /run print("test") outputs GreyHandling: test to the chat frame. GreyHandling should not be intercepting these calls.


Ho, sorry I thought it was doing this only in my local context. I'm going to fix it ASAP. Thanks for the report !


Hey, no problem. Shit happens. Thanks for sorting it out so quickly. :-)


Should be fixed if you upgrade to 0.9.2c. I'm really sorry about the debug you had to do, I thought that the open-closed principle was enforced somewhere by LUA or Wow and evidently, it is not.