


[Feature Request] Show Debuff Tooltips

martheli opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I know this was talked about but I wanted to create an open feature request for this. I would like an option that would add the ability to hover over raid debuffs (and possibly any debuff indicator) and show the spell tooltip.


Sorry, after checking this posibility, adding tooltips to icons will block clique and mouse over macros from working when the cursor pointer is just over the icons, and all workarounds that i know to avoid this issue are too resource expensive.
So i have to decline this request, for now.


Implemented in version 2.6.20-beta:

  • The feature must by enabled individually for each icon/icons indicator.
  • Watch out the "Display tooltips" option in each indicator settings: layout tab (disabled by default).
  • This feature does not work for indicators positioned outside the unit frame or for overlapping indicators.
  • Only buffs, debuffs, raid-debuffs or banzai statuses linked to icon/icons indicators can display tooltips.

@michaelnpsp thanks for working on this. Is there a way to make the tooltip match the standard blizzard tooltip? So when you hover over a unit it shows you the tooltip on bottom right of the screen by default but when you hover over a debuff or buff, it shows you the tooltip anchored to the mouse cursor I believe.


Not, but the feature is not full finished yet, there are missing settings.
The tooltip position and anchor point can be configured in Indicators/Tooltip/Layout, but now is always aligned to the main grid2 window if the non-default anchor is selected.
I have to decide yet if the anchoring should be configured per indicator or not, allowing different anchors for different indicators/icons.


Update to 2.6.21-beta.
This version disables all previously enabled tooltips, you must reenable the tooltips on the desired indicators.
Now there is a tooltip anchor setting on each icon indicator.
If the anchor setting is not set (default selection) the anchor specified for the general tooltip indicator is used (Indicators/tooltip/Layout)


Update to 2.6.22-beta.
Some bugs fixed and now tooltips for icons indicators can be enabled and configured just in Indicators/Tooltip.