


[Request] Load options for Indicators

firebot opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Apologies if this is not the appropriate spot for this.

I would like to see a "Load" options tab on Indicators, similar to the one for Statuses, allowing me to set entire Indicators to only load for certain classes/specs, etc.

My use case is such: I have dozens of debuffs added individually so they can be tracked by spell ID and more easily work across languages when a player imports my profile. Dispellable debuffs are displayed at the bottom of frames, non-dispellable debuffs are displayed at the top of frames. On my healer, I can dispel magic debuffs, but on my tank I cannot. However, I still want to see when a player has one of the magic debuffs on them, but instead shown at the top of the frame (so my well-trained healer brain knows it's bad, but that I can't dispel it).

What I would like to do is create two Indicators, one that shows magic debuffs at the bottom of the frame, and a second Indicator that shows the same magic debuffs at the top of the frame. I would then set these Indicators to load based on whether or not my class/spec can dispel magic debuffs.

I hope that makes sense, and I'd be happy to clarify anything! Thanks!


You already can enable/disable indicators using different themes.
Go to General/General/Enable Themes option to enable themes.
After creating several themes, you can assign each theme to a different class/spec and each theme has an Indicators tab to disable/enable indicators,


Oops, I always meant to look into what exactly Themes were. Turns out I should have done that first! This is perfect, thank you!