Tracking the same debuff as two different statuses with only one checked as "Track by SpellId" breaks the other one
drnoonien opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I accidentally discovered this behavior while testing something unrelated. Not sure what the actual use-case is for this, but I figured you'd be interested in knowing about it in case it has other side effects.
Client: Retail
Grid2 version: 2.0.43
Steps to reproduce:
- Add a debuff status (A) for Weakened Soul (6788), use the spell id as the input, leave "Track by SpellId" unchecked
- Add a second debuff status (B) for Weakened Soul (6788), use the spell id as the input, check the "Track by SpellId"
- Apply Weakened Soul to yourself
- Both status A and B should trigger
- Only status A triggers, B (the one tracking spell-id) is ignored