Feature Request: Add option to load status if the unis is belong to specific spec
71864315 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Currently there is option to load status if the unit is belong to specific class, but it would be great if we could filter statuses also by unit spec.
In wotlk you will have the UnitGroupRolesAssigned api, would be cool to have that as a load condition for unit role as an alternative to spec, if it's easier to implement.
Grid2 Retail version already have an option in load tab for class&spec. In Classic versions (vanilla, bcc, wrath) character specs don't exist so the option is disabled.
Grid2 Retail version already have an option in load tab for class&spec. In Classic versions (vanilla, bcc, wrath) character specs don't exist so the option is disabled.
Not, it isn't. I'm talkig about UNIT is belong to specific spec, not the PLAYER