[Question] heals-incoming: ignore spells
phuze opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Is there any means by which I can ignore particular spell(s) related to heals-incoming?
Specifically, I'm looking for a way to ignore heal over time spells.
Is heals-incoming tracked/provided by Grid2, or is that piece driven by LibHealComm?
In retail Grid2 uses the game heals API so no configuration is possible.
In classic Grid2 can be configured to use game heals API or LibHealComm, but LibHealcomm is a dead project, it is not maintained so i am going to remove this option in the future.
When LibHealCom is used, in Statuses/Heals/incoming-heals there are some configuration options to filter the type of heals (HOTs, casted, channeled) and to setup a time band.