


[Question] Debuffs for Dragonflight M+ Season 1

kayti-wow opened this issue ยท 6 comments


How are you planning to handle the raid debuffs module for DF M+ Season 1?

  • Temple of the Jade Serpent: there is no Mists module, and the encounters have been changed quite a bit since original MoP anyway
  • Shadowmoon Burial Ground: covered by the WoD module, but missing a couple of debuffs that might be new
  • Court of Stars and Halls of Valor: both missing trash debuffs, some boss spells are missing, and some spellids have changed
  • DF dungeons: all missing trash debuffs

I can supply a gist of the debuffs I have autodetected on Beta if you need it.


I cannot collect these debuffs myself, but i can reenable the MoPs module and add missing debuffs provided by players.
To easy export the collected debuffs to text format you can do this:

  1. Goto General/About Tab and in Debug section check "Grid2RaidDebuffs" option.
  2. Goto Statuses/Debuffs/Raid Debuffs
  3. Select "Debuffs Configuration" Tab.
  4. Select "Custom Debuffs" in Select Module option.
  5. At the top right a new option named "Develop" should be displayed
  6. Select "gen lua" in this Develop combo box.
  7. Copy and Paste here the generated text.

@michaelnpsp You can find my exported debuffs here:

Note that even the old dungeons have changes - either new abilities or changed spell ids - so you may need to come up with a plan for handling debuffs in the old Challenge modes vs the new M+ versions. Perhaps having a new module per season would be a good idea?

We could add the seasonal affix debuffs there, too, as it's really useful for Grid to show the Mark of Lightning (396369) and Mark of Wind (396364) debuffs, but they will need to be removed once the season ends.


I think that its not necessary to create different versions, when the debuffs dont exist simply they are not displayed.
Another reason to not create different versions is that the old pandaria module only includes debuffs for raids, there is no information about dungeons.
One question, why are there a lot of repeated debuffs in the exported debuffs ? Only one debuff is necessary, raid debuffs module discards all debufs with the same name except one when the debuffs are loaded because by default debuffs are tracked by name.


One question, why are there a lot of repeated debuffs in the exported debuffs ? Only one debuff is necessary, raid debuffs module discards all debufs with the same name except one when the debuffs are loaded because by default debuffs are tracked by name.

The autodetection definitely created a few duplicates as Blizzard in their wisdom have given the same name to multiple spells on some encounters (e.g. the two Chillstorms in Ruby Life Pools). However, I did add some additional debuffs by taking the spellids from my logs and then using the Add Raid Debuff feature to allocate them to the correct encounter.


i added Mists of pandaria module and your debuffs in version 2.0.67.


Perfect, thanks.

Have you given any further consideration to creating an M+ module containing both seasonal and standard affixes?

For S1 thats:

  • Mark of Wind ( 396364 )
  • Mark of Lightning ( 396369 )
  • Lightning Strike [Player got hit by the blue swirly and is stunned] ( 394873 )
  • Primal Overload [Players didn't get rid of the debuff correctly and became stunned] ( 396411 )

Plus the standard ones:

  • Burst ( 243237 )
  • Grievous Wound ( 240559 )