GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG]? Macros not available until saved again.

manuel44147 opened this issue · 6 comments


🔵 Describe the bug:
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
I start Windows, I start WoW, I log in to a character with GSE 3.0.48 enabled. I start using (e.g.) /click SAM_AS, nothing happens. The macro doesn´t work. This happens just since a few days. I open GSE, I open the macro SAM_AS, I do NOTHING else but to click on the "Save" button. I close GSE and everyting works fine again.... Strange, since I´m not aware that I´ve changed anything for weeks. The effect happens with every char using GSE.
🔵 To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error
    Already descibed.
    🔵 The error:
    Paste the error message in this blockquote.
There is no  error message.

🔵 Screenshots:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

🔵 Expected behavior:
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

🔵 GSE.lua file:
Please provide your GSE.lua file or the export string for the specific macro that is causing an issue.

  • To find the GSE.lua file:
  1. First, make sure you have enabled the "File Name Extensions" checkbox in Explorer (View tab)
  2. Browse to C:\path\to\wow\_retail_\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\ or /path/to/WoW/_retail_/WTF/Account/YourAccountName/SavedVariables
  3. Copy the GSE.lua file to your Desktop
  4. Rename this copy to GSA.lua.txt
  5. Then just drag it here in your message
  • Note: If you do not include your GSE.lua file you are wasting your time and mine. 90% of the time, the first thing I will ask for is "Can you please upload your GSE.lua file?". This file is needed with the error to work out Why that error occured for you.

GSE_C = nil
GSELegacyLibraryBackup = nil

🔵 Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10 64bit]
  • Game Version [e.g. classic/bcc/retail (9.1.0)]
    Windows 10 64 bit
    Retail, latest Update
    🔵 GSE Version:
  • Version: [e.g. 3.x.y]
  • Downloaded From: [e.g.]
    Curseforge App Win 10
    🔵 Additional context:
    Add any other context about the problem here.

No I haven´t. I used to create a new WoW macro and assign an Icon there to a /click MACRONAME line. After your comment I´ve tried to move or change the Icon within GSE 3.048 /always blue books) but have failed so far to be able to. So I will dig into the discussion you mentioned. Sorry that I did not now about the issue. I even had to creat a GitHub Account to post my first message here... :) Thx for your answer.

Just for the record: Another user repirted a similar problem at lazyMacros.

"Buki 23d

I use GSE for months.Until yesterday everything worked fine.
Now if i log in my char my macro’s button still have,but not working.
I need to go in GSE and open the sequence (BAM prot pala) and save.
After working fine just i need to do this all time when i log in,or change char.
I tried reinstall GSE,import sequence again (BAM) but not helped.
Every time if i entered the game i have to do this.
Type /gse–>open bam prot pala–>save(i can’t do anything else just save)–>close gse,and everything work fine.
This problem is present in all my characters
Why doing this or how can i fix this guys?
Sorry my english is weak :slight_smile:"


At the risk of being laughed at, I will tell it for the sake of completeness. Because it illustrates how difficult communication between professionals (programmers, etc.) and end users can sometimes be (where the end user is usually to blame for).

Every time I was told that I first have to create an icon with GSE, I dutifully clicked on the corresponding button - and it didn't work. After the 20th try, I noticed that GSE gave an error message in the chat every time. In English. Something along the lines of "You're only allowed more than 18 macros and you've long since reached that." And then every time I was like, "What? Are you kidding me? I have uninstalled and reinstalled GSE twice. I only have the one macro that I just painstakingly created! Not 18! What's that all about?"

It took until just now, when I tried again after your last message, for my brain to project the connection between macro, 18, and full onto the WoW interface instead of GSE. This, despite the fact that the appropriate reference to the difference does exist in a tooltip within GSE. As I was just able to note even more ashamedly.... I don't know why my brain ignored it until just now, because during the unsuccessful attempts to drag the icon book onto my bar, I must have seen the hint a lot of times.

So I made room under the 18 WoW slots for macros and now everything works as it should. I created my first icon with the new GSE. Yeah!

Thanks for the support. :)
