GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Record Macro Button?

lcestou opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello Tim,

I was reading awhile ago of something like this but forgot to bring it up, but a friend talked to me about it last night and we were wondering if is possible to do the following.

A "Macro Recorder" so you can push a "REC" button and then "STOP" when you are done hitting any keys/spells. Then it will put them either as a sequence or as individual lines where you can edit from there or at least just to have the order in which you hit them, kinda like the macro debugger but without having a macro made yet if that makes sense.

Here is an example: []

Sorta reminds me of when using/creating macros on my Logitech keyboard software where it also records input latency but that is a bit more advanced and not needed I think.

