GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] #showtooltip Does not work

drakgoku opened this issue · 3 comments


I think it is convenient to reopen the thread, for the last time.

Instead of leaving the "?" with the question mark and depending on which modifier is pressed, the icon will vary. In its complement it cannot be done, because the icon takes it statically.

Sometimes it is better to explain things. Although my time is worth too much, so I hope you at least get the point.

Basic operation of #showtooltip:

// The empty "showtooltip" will show which skill (with the icon) is active.
/ cast [nomodifier] [..] [..] spell1 // default spell1 icon
/ cast [modifier: shift [..] [..] spell2 // icon pressing shift of spell1
/ cast [modifier: alt [..] [..] spell3 // icon pressing alt of spell1

For example:
/ cast [nomodifier] Bear form // Bear icon
/ cast [modifier: alt] Cat form // Cat icon

This is handled well by the default editor. It is simply a condition that you do not have in your code.

If I bother to mention it to you, at least look at it.


As I said last time - It is not something I can do within the limits of what is allowed by WoW in a combat environment. I can either change the icon or you can run a macro. Everyone else prefer's the ability to execute the macro.


Just now I have just downloaded the addon again, because the locale API that it has inside is quite good and I like that it detects an ID and passes it to name. (Due to the language issue, although I think they should keep the ID, in case you have to copy and paste to an external notepad of the WOW application)

Analyzing the operation it seems that you are right about the limitations based on the environment.

It seems that GSE returns the entire function (spell) (with all the logic / script) with the preset icon. You would need to see the code though.

When there is a modifier (press: shift, alt ..), it does not recreate the function but reuses it and obviously takes the established icon.

While the WOW macro manager works, it uses a dynamic system and in this, you can press (press: shift, alt ..) and it will vary dynamically because it will call it again with the data that is in that modifier .

While GSE packages the function and passes it to the WOW macro manager and this in turn no longer knows the IDS that will be pressed later and therefore the administrator does not change it.

Of course, at this point, I don't think the WOW macro manager can read a prefabricated GSE request with different modifiers, because it returns a package with a single image. That is, it will have all the logic and it will work correctly. But it will not be recalled for modifiers, because the img will be returned as a single one. We could say that it is packed logic. (without calling it again, making the icon always last) (I hope to explain myself)

Also try to change the image to "?", From the WOW macro manager, but it doesn't work and when you do a / reload the interface it disappears and goes to the last selected icon.

This is going to be tricky. But it may have a trick.

Let's see if conceptually we can come to an understanding.
Could it be run outside of the WOW macro manager manager? like "MacroBank", "Super Duper Macro", "BindPad"?
That is, have your own UI. (It is simply a separate file, in the form of an array or json (whatever suits you best) to store the addresses).

In that case, you could use the "?" and the problem would be solved.

If it is a lot of work, then I will use an old Addon.
