GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[ENH] I hope to add a shortcut key switching module function

Yangge885 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


At present, GSE can only set corresponding modules according to raid PVP, which is very inconvenient

I hope to add a shortcut key to switch module functions. Because the boss war and ordinary need to deal with different environments.


I have been thinking this through - it would need to completely replace what is currently there. Its not a case of doing an either or thing as all the checks happen when you leave combat so it would just revert to the standard config after teh boss fight meaning you would need to remember to reset it back to something after each fight and then forget to and go dammit......


A way that this can be achieved is via a few normal macros:

/run GSE.Library[GSE.GetCurrentClassID()]["<<SEQUENCENAMEHERE>>"]["MetaData"].Default = 2
/run GSE.ResetButtons()

Where 2 is the version and <> is the name of the sequence. The .Default could also be .MythicPlus or .Raid or .Dungeon etc

Also the GSE.GetCurrentClassID() could be replaced with the numeric value of the current ClassID eg 2 for Paladin etc. You can find this via /gse showspec