GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Survival Hunter Macro stopped casting random spells

denisciumbargi opened this issue · 15 comments


🔵 Describe the bug:

After a teleport to a myth Dungeon (necrotic wake), random spells stopped triggering. Kill Comand, Carve and Raptor Strike. All others are being triggered by GSE within the macro, except those.
Sometimes a couple of /reload commands seemed to refresh and force it to work again but now is completely broken.

A similar post for instance teleport (exact same dungeon broke the macro) that prevents GSE from triggering spells was posted 2 weeks ago by myself for Demon hunter who had exactly the same issues with random spells not triggered by GSE and was closed instantly as Blizzard error but now it's a bit of a pattern ( #1112 )

the other pattern I see in spells not triggering are only those that generate/consume resources like Focus or Rage or Fury make the macro stop while other spells that are just on a fixed timed cooldown for example bombs or trinkets will always trigger.

This happened to other myth dungeons but once out GSE started working again, except this time feels completely corrupted.

Tried deleting the macros, tried the gse forceclear, reimporting, rewriting the macro, disabled all addons except gse, it is just bugged.

Unrelated or not, after death, for either release and rejoining combat or battle ress, until the group is out of combat, GSE won't trigger either, and that is for ALL macros on ALL classes.

Any advice or solution? How do I manage to keep breaking this :(

🔵 To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behaviour)

Hard to set steps to reproduce as this was caused randomly by the dungeon teleport like on other macros on other classes while performed good on others, can't think of steps to reproduce, sorry :(

🔵 The error:

no error is displayed on the screen.

🔵 Screenshots:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

🔵 Expected behaviour:

instance teleport not to block spell casting or joining combat stance after resurrection not to prevent the macro from firing.

🔵 GSE.lua file:
Please provide your GSE.lua file or the export string for the specific macro that is causing an issue.


name of macro APEX_SURVIVOR

🔵 Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11 64bit
  • Game Version retail 9..2

🔵 GSE Version:


🔵 Additional context:
Add any other context about the problem here.


What are you putting into KeyPress and KeyRelease respectively? It may just be a GCD lock

Just most used spells really but again, I have made no changes, been using the macro once I was happy with it for months, just suddenly stopped. If I made any changes to KeyPress or KeyRelease fair enough I would have said I did something but this was performing well so needed no change.


What are you putting into KeyPress and KeyRelease respectively? It may just be a GCD lock


What I mean by that is that you can have one gcd ability in a block. You can use mods like [mod:shift] to act as overrides ie if shift is pressed then do this instead but in the block only the first gcd ability that is able to try is executed and the rest is ignored. If adding a KeyPress like variable locks the rest then it could be what you are putting into the variable.

What I meant by the death thing is that shouldn’t be happening. GSE should be working after you are reseed. The only exception is if you have done a reload or a login in combat. The reload can’t setup GSE until you leave combat but a normal battle res should be fine.


What I mean by that is that you can have one gcd ability in a block. You can use mods like [mod:shift] to act as overrides ie if shift is pressed then do this instead but in the block only the first gcd ability that is able to try is executed and the rest is ignored. If adding a KeyPress like variable locks the rest then it could be what you are putting into the variable.

What I meant by the death thing is that shouldn’t be happening. GSE should be working after you are reseed. The only exception is if you have done a reload or a login in combat. The reload can’t setup GSE until you leave combat but a normal battle res should be fine.

I have never ever used mods in a macro, I absolutely hate them for some reason (me being a dope and not able to multi task with multi keys just like some other people with certain disabilities struggle with keys hence the need for your macro to merge multiple spells in one),

The death thing always happened and I just took it as it is, I said I would ask now since I wrote so much and said might be good to know. I wouldn't reload in combat (who does that?)...

I don't want to annoy you with all this but I am sure it is something simple but also well hidden.

Again, for the people out there that need to simplify key press, figuring this means a lot!


Hi TimothyLuke,

thanks for the reply.

APEX SURVIVOR is a unique name so to say to my macro, not used anywhere else.

Funny but not really, after I used /gse forceclear, the macro for the other hunter spec, named Apollo, stopped working too completely after reporting it here so I do not know, maybe the name is stored somewhere else and it believes it is the same old macro and not a new one altogether after being re-imported? I do use replace as a setting in gse options for default import action. Forgive me for not having a better clue on what is happening, I know it is hard to on down. So now the entire class is not working while it works fine on others.

I use WeakAuras on other toons but not on this the hunter class and GSE work on those toons while it doesn't on this class, plus I tried with all addons disabled in case of a conflict and still no luck :(

I only mentioned the DH as in that case, just like now for the hunter, happened once the myth dungeon loaded. Before a couple of /reload always worked but now, RIP :(
And from all sequences why execute the fixed cooldown spells but not the ones that use/generate class resources, and energy. The most unusual random thing.

If you need me to offer some more files that might contain more info for you I will attach them as I really really like GSE and became to rely on it as it is a great tool. Any debug info that would give you more details? if yes, I am happy to follow your advice on how to get those. If this can be somehow figured out to be able to use GSE on my hunter again I will buy you enough beer to get you drunk for a week if I have to.

The answer on why not firing after dying is welcomed also, I will panic less and just have to wait to join combat once the others do too, sad cannot help them in case of a battle ress :(

here are the add-ons I am using just in case might shed some light:


A little update:

I have again tried to write a new macro for the hunter, from scratch, and basic one-liners work, but:

1 - the moment I am adding a variable KeyPress or Key Release the macro stops working completely like in my first post. Even if the Variable name is different than KeyPress or KeyRelease, for example KP or KR, the macro stops

2 - tried deleting KeyPress and KeyRelease and adding new variables as I have noticed they have a different variable name just in case there was a variable name block somewhere, still didn't work.

3 - If I am making simple one line, blocks with no variables (with no KeyPress or KeyRelease variables), GSE behaves a bit better and casts all spells.

4 - if I am adding more than one line per sequence I start to get hiccups in firing it.

5 - If I do create a variable KeyPress or KeyRelease and create a loop that has 3 boxes inside it for example with one line in each box, for example

box one KeyPress
box two /cast SpellName
box three ~~KeyRelease

that works

6 - Making one box that has 3 lines with variable and spell

/cast SpellName

makes macro stop working again.

7 - ON THE ORIGINAL MACRO I THEN DELETED ALL VARIABLES KEYPRESS AND KEY RELEASE AND MACRO IS WORKING AGAIN so somewhere, KeyPress/Release is messing up for me, no matter what spell is used in KeyPress or KeyRelease


Hi again,

it just happened again on a fully working macro, this time I only logged in the game and wanted to play as normal and my macro is skipping the resource generating/spender spells but not the rest. This time on a levelling Monk.

Macro was imported from wowlazymacros and worked for the last 2 days as I was levelling the alt and no editing was done. I checked for corrupted files, reset keybinds, reset the user interface and previous steps I tried on my hunter.

I haven't yet removed the KeyPress and KeyRelease to see if it same issue, will do that tomorrow morning and let you know if it is the same once those variables are removed if it comes back.

Also, starting to think I am jinxed :D


I can confirm that deleting the KeyPress and KeyRelease variables at the bottom of the editor made the macro work again just like for the hunter.


I completely understand and trust me it feels very embarrassing for me to report something myself can not provide better details nd explanations to :(((((((

The fact that is so very random, that GSE works on any other class, that then it suddenly stops WITHOUT editing of the macro.

No matter the type of spells IN the variable the moment I just add the variable just stops again.

I don't expect a solution or for you to be able to recreate it and I understand and apologise if this annoys you me posting it but if I don't say it no chance at all for feedback in the case might happen to others.

If you wish you can close this and i apologise again if i bothered you was not my intention or the tone intended.


Diving into this a lot further a bunch of notes:

  • Your KeyPress variable has a bunch of null based castsequences. These have an infinite amount of bugs at Blizzards end see These bugs were introduced with BFA and will work for someone then simply stop. There is no rhyme or reason for it it just happens. Using null ion a castsequence is a method of use that Blizzard doesnt support and have no interest currently to make it consistent. When this happens everything after that line in the action that breaks will be blocked.
  • Carve in your KeyRelease is on the GCD meaning it will never be executed as it will always be blocked by the things above it in teh stack
  • The Pet variable is never called
  • [exists] is a very poor modifier - on its own, its really flakey. I'd recommend using [combat] or [exists, harm] instead