GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Season of Discovery - Feral Druid Mangle Skill

alanaction opened this issue · 5 comments


🔵 Mangle skill defaulting to Bear form of Mangle skill:
In WoW Classic SoD, Feral druids have access to the Mangle skill. There are two versions of the skill; one for Bear form and one for Cat form. Logically when in Bear form, you cannot cast the Cat form of the spell and vice versa - you cannot cast the Bear form of the skill when in Cat form.

The issue occurs when creating a castsequence macro using Mangle for Cat form in GSE. After creating the macro and creating a new icon for it, the macro only tries to execute the Bear form of the Mangle skill instead of using the Cat form of it.

I have tried shift+clicking the skill directly from the spellbook, using the spell's ID in the macro, using the spell name Mangle(Cat), and even tried using Claw (since the Cat form of Mangle replaces the Claw skill). When GSE autocompletes the spell name in the macro, it only defaults to the Bear form.

🔵 To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

  1. Create New Macro for Feral Druid
  2. Create below castsequence Macro
/castsequence  reset=target  407993, Savage Roar, 407993, 407993, 407993, 407993
  1. Save the macro and create a new icon for it. Place the icon on actionbar
  2. While in Cat form, use the macro and Mangle will not cast

🔵 No Errors:
I do not receive any errors. The skill just isn't used since I am in Cat form and it's trying to use the Bear form of the skill.

🔵 Screenshots:




🔵 Expected behavior:
The correct and specified version of the Mangle skill should cast (Cat form) instead of the wrong version of the Mange skill (Bear form).

🔵 GSE Macro Export:


Usage Information

I understand what this is.

This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.51.

  • The Default macro template is 2

🔵 Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Game Version: Classic SoD version 1.15.0 (52610)

🔵 GSE Version:


This will require me creating a Druid in SoD and getting that far. It’s not something I will be able to achieve quickly. What you could try as a work around is prefixing the castsequence with $$ eg

$$/castsequence reset=target Mangle, Savage Roar, Mangle, Mangle, Mangle, Mangle

the $$ tells GSE not to translate this


BTW If the $$ doesn’t work then you are facing a WoW bug rather than a GSE bug. GSE doesn’t actually execute the macro. All it does is pass the commands along to WoW. A similar thing happened in the beginning of DF where some Covenant abilities were baselined. If you were in the same covenant it would continually try to cast the Covenant version outside of Shadowlands and fail. The solution there was to change covenants. As that solution won’t work in SoD it would need a Blizzard developer to fix this.


You may want to also look at the solutions to this problem from:


Thanks Timothy. I'll try everything you suggested. I wasn't aware of the $$ option. That will come in handy. Thanks!

EDIT: Prefixing the castsequence with $$ resolved the skill translation issue and is working properly now. Thanks!


For anyone playing at home try:

$$/castsequence reset=target Mangle(Cat), Savage Roar, Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat)