GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE 2.0 Alpha 2

TimothyLuke opened this issue ยท 6 comments


This alpha incorporates the reported bugs from #131


Having trouble with past Macros. This time was careful to remove all 1.52 stuff.
All new SAM macros show up. Some old macros have name in drop down but no content. Some old macros don't show up at all. Some have content. When I switch back everything seems to be there. I am trying to test in a spec that I know but I really need to be able to use the old stuff so I am sure of results. Created two three weakaurs so I could observe
1 show last fail spell -1shows last cast spell -1 shows qued spell but stopped, but again requires familiarity with sequence and method.


Thanks @woodgray i know what the problem is - working on a fix


A2 Cannot create new Macro. You can create the name for the drop down. If you fill in content you loose it if you switch tabs or save it.
Can not edit any other macros changes disappear


A2 Did this to see if it got rid of problems> Uninstalled everything. Deleted all savedvariables and macro txt
Reinstalled 1.52 Created one simple macro. Uninstalled 1.52 Installed A2 .
On lauch asked me if I wanted to load sample macros because nor for this spec were present. Accepted. Opened editor The title for the Macro from 1.52. was not there (as expected) Did an import. The title appeared (as expected) There was no content present other then the title. Tried to use the macro (Nothing)
Tried to create new Macro unable to manipulate content and successfully save.


I'm unable to save any Edits or Create anything new beyond a NEW name for a macro.


Thanks @woodgray and @trippstick The Alpha in #140 should fix these issues.