GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[ENH] The War Within - WoW 11

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 10 comments


Catch all for The War Within Changes.

At the moment there is uncertainty over how GSE will continue based on Stanzilla/WoWUIBugs#552

Once I get alpha/beta access will know more.


This is good news. Seeing the breaking of GSE with TWW I was getting ready to say goodbye to WoW after using this addon since WoD (and using hold to cast keyboards since BC). Also, I don't think "automation" in the way GSE provides it is a bad thing. Even before carpal tunnel, I couldn't pay attention to everything on my screen and would just die all the time trying to do my rotation.

So I was basically random casting everything anyway, as I would just hold down my bear's 3 rotation abilities set at different ms rates, and only take my hand off them to pop CD's, which accomplishes the same thing (and what I would do if GSE broke). That said, it's definitely possible to do mythic raid/high level keys (3500 ret s3, 3200 hpal s2), as being able to focus on the important stuff and just taking sub-optimal passive talents/trinkets that go well with the playstyle.


And off we go....


So, if i understood correctly this "stealth change" its just for keep spreading taint errors from un-useful code?!

Let us know if we can help you or assist in any manner.



No - it’s a complete breaking of how GSE asks WoW to execute abilities. In its current form it means a complete rethink of GSE


Ok, i get it ( start from zero again )

But what would be the supposed improvement for the player behind "the screen" ?

And to Blizzard, how does this benefit ( if not ) the rest of addons developers?


They are interesting my questions but the whole intent of the change hasn’t been addressed or discussed. It’s “just happened”.


Happy to hear that!

You mean those abilities that have like 2 way-step ( paladin templar strike combo, anihilator warrior combo ) right?

So "we'll" get 2 forced actions-returns for one keypress ?!

Well, this is very positive indeed.

Let us know once we hit alpha / beta to test things.

Cheers Tim.


I just used two abilities to test the cycling of the button. That could be like a sequence of 20 abilities just like a normal GSE template


Found a way top be able to program a button to act like GSE acts. Essentially using a click macro this icon swaps from Judgment to Divine Toll. Based on this will be able to do something with TWW.

local spelllist = {"Judgment", "Divine Toll"}

local gsebutton = CreateFrame("Button", "PROTTEST", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate,SecureHandlerBaseTemplate")
gsebutton:SetAttribute("type", "spell")
gsebutton:SetAttribute("step", 1)
gsebutton.UpdateIcon = GSE.UpdateIcon
gsebutton:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")
gsebutton:SetAttribute("spelllist", spelllist)
gsebutton:SetAttribute('spell', gsebutton:GetAttribute('spelllist')[1].spell )
        "spelllist =  newtable([=======[" ..
            strjoin("]=======],[=======[", unpack(spelllist)) .. "]=======])"
        local step = self:GetAttribute('step')
        print("clicked ", step)  
	step = tonumber(step)
	self:SetAttribute('spell', spelllist[step] )
	step = step % #spelllist + 1

	self:SetAttribute('step', step)


The breaking of many many many addons, not just GSE perse.

Its not what you call automation not even with " " , its a tool under what i call for accesibility a MUST .

GSE addon will not do what the game does not allow it to do , that simple.

What can lead to you being reprimanded is the way you use external software improperly and pressing the keys forces a flag.

Sorry for for dirtying the post Tim.