GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Private Alpha 4

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 6 comments


This is more bug fixes. It doesnt include the new macro browser or internationalisation yet.


Can you put a step number or pointer in the macro (maybe as a message exactly what step you are in the macro including key press and pre macro) I still have occasional hangups. Trying to figure it out.
Thanks for getting rid of the disappearing text.


Can you put a step number or pointer in the macro (maybe as a message exactly what step you are in the macro including key press and pre macro) I still have occasional hangups. Trying to figure it out.

Are you using the Debug window? /gsse debug


Is there a buffer that records the number of Key strokes past the current event?
I was doing a quest. Had to logout. As soon as I logged in again A mob was engaging me. The macro did not work at all. Killed the mob normally. Tried it again on the next mob. It did one action. Then stopped. After several Key presses it worked again and everything was normal.


Yes, I tried it. Don't see any output to the chat window. Does it need a special channel?
Having a problem with Keypress. If I put more then 2(two), 0-gcd Instant casts, seems to hang up.
If the 0-gcd-instant cast has a cool down. Also an issue
Can you explain Premacro vs Keypress
