GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Deleted Versions of Macros RETURN on Macro Swapping / Reload / Relog / Restarts

LarryThiessen opened this issue Β· 10 comments


πŸ”΅ Describe the bug:
Deleted Versions of Macros RETURN on Macro Swapping / Reload / Relog / Restarts

πŸ”΅ To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

  1. Create a Macro with 2 Version Tabs
  2. Delete the Second Version
  3. Click SAVE and Wait until its complete indicated by the Swap back to GSE Version info on bottom left of window
  4. Now do any of the following : Macro Swapping / Reload / Relog / Restarts
  5. Open Macro you deleted Version on
  6. Version you deleted is BACK

πŸ”΅ The error:
No Error Produced

πŸ”΅ Screenshots:

  • Deleting v2
  • v2 Deleted
  • Saving - notice bottom left text
  • Saving Done
  • Reloading and v2 is back

πŸ”΅ Expected behavior:
To Permentlly Delete the version of the macro

πŸ”΅ GSE.lua file:
I started by doing some testing myself and deleted the GSE.LUA and importing just 1 Macro with 2 Versions on it

GSEOptions = {
["HideLoginMessage"] = false,
["Update3023"] = true,
["STANDARDFUNCS"] = "|cff55ddcc",
["showGSEUsers"] = false,
["msClickRate"] = 250,
["COMMENT"] = "|cff55cc55",
["filterList"] = {
["Class"] = true,
["All"] = false,
["Global"] = true,
["Spec"] = true,
["EQUALS"] = "|cffccddee",
["NUMBER"] = "|cffffaa00",
["sendDebugOutputToChatWindow"] = false,
["frameLocations"] = {
["macroframe"] = {
["top"] = 1033.333374023438,
["left"] = 1708.332397460938,
["variablesframe"] = {
["top"] = 1032.5,
["left"] = 1707.499755859375,
["menu"] = {
["top"] = 1000.833312988281,
["left"] = 3230.833984375,
["sequenceeditor"] = {
["top"] = 1040,
["left"] = 1660.833984375,
["debug"] = {
["top"] = 850.0003662109375,
["left"] = 1783.333740234375,
["debug"] = false,
["CreateGlobalButtons"] = false,
["CONCAT"] = "|cffcc7777",
["CommandColour"] = "|cFF00FF00",
["macroWidth"] = 889.9990234375,
["UNKNOWN"] = "|cffff6666",
["menuWidth"] = 900,
["showCurrentSpells"] = true,
["editorHeight"] = 500,
["Update3111"] = true,
["menuHeight"] = 500,
["sendDebugOutputToDebugOutput"] = false,
["DisabledSequences"] = {
["DefaultImportAction"] = "MERGE",
["autoCreateMacroStubsClass"] = true,
["STRING"] = "|cff888888",
["autoCreateMacroStubsGlobal"] = false,
["Update3131"] = true,
["PromptSample"] = true,
["TitleColour"] = "|cFFFF0000",
["editorWidth"] = 900,
["initialised"] = true,
["resetOOC"] = true,
["DebugModules"] = {
["Translator"] = false,
["Startup"] = false,
["API"] = false,
["Viewer"] = false,
["Transmission"] = false,
["Editor"] = false,
["GUI"] = false,
["Storage"] = false,
["Versions"] = false,
["INDENT"] = "|cffccaa88",
["MacroResetModifiers"] = {
["Alt"] = false,
["LeftControl"] = false,
["LeftButton"] = false,
["LeftAlt"] = false,
["RightShift"] = false,
["RightButton"] = false,
["AnyMod"] = false,
["Button5"] = false,
["LeftShift"] = false,
["Shift"] = false,
["Control"] = false,
["RightControl"] = false,
["MiddleButton"] = false,
["Button4"] = false,
["RightAlt"] = false,
["AuthorColour"] = "|cFF00D1FF",
["EmphasisColour"] = "|cFFFFFF00",
["UseVerboseExportFormat"] = false,
["WOWSHORTCUTS"] = "|cffddaaff",
["RealtimeParse"] = false,
["deleteOrphansOnLogout"] = false,
["OOCQueueDelay"] = 7,
["showGSEoocqueue"] = true,
["overflowPersonalMacros"] = false,
["Update3150"] = true,
["showMiniMap"] = {
["hide"] = true,
["UseWLMExportFormat"] = true,
["DefaultDisabledMacroIcon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_MISC_BOOK_08",
["DebugPrintModConditionsOnKeyPress"] = false,
["NormalColour"] = "|cFFFFFFFF",
["macroHeight"] = 629.1666259765625,
["saveAllMacrosLocal"] = true,
["setDefaultIconQuestionMark"] = true,
["KEYWORD"] = "|cff88bbdd",
["debugWidth"] = 900,
GSELibrary = nil
GSEStorage = nil
GSE3Storage = {
["SLGWARPROT"] = "dmZdgaGnuYmfIMTIBskYTrkStQSxy3u6NiQmmsPFJWqfQmCrhKIUmXXuQoNsHfIOWsrkTyH0YrYdvkvpvAzO45cMOqyQOAYiQA6QUiPOUkPq9mKQRtHnskKTQu0Mru02vkHpIu0xjf8ze5XKQrQuIomvnALsY0qPoPqvNMKRjuoVsgNsP8neLETsj1yhC42rBK0udM0ghTKJdhd4OAYRtreahUDWr30tP8rhjaooQP(ve2a4WTdo6xPGgszgu(kfut9RiSOHuMbUDw0z0UJAyvh9EksYXHJbC42bh9RuqdPmdkFLcQP(vew0qkZa3(olTOgw1rVNIKCC4yahLgEDkc0gjn1GjTXrl54n(i0mkFLcQP(vew0VsbLgEDkcudR6O3trsooC0bhnKYmWXIoB6OrOc(OJqEefLVsb1u)kcl6xPGgszgudR6O3trsooCSbhLVsb1u)kcl6xPGgszg0qkZahd9nyyqnSQJEpfj54WfdC0qkZahRyKLbncvWhDeYJOO8vkOM6xryr)kf0qkZGAyvh9EksYXHJf4OFLcAiLzq5Ruqn1VIWIgszg4yIXkgQHvD07PijhhLVsbnscIeLwjf)HJbTxsnYWQFfHfnokfbL6lC4OdokFLcQP(vew0VsbnKYmOHuMbU9n0YogludR6O3trsooCSbh9RuqdPmdkFLcQP(vew0qkZahD2Sz2gQHvD07PijhhhnEBud18n9ukF0rcGJJdhd4OB6Pu(OJeahh1u)kcBaC42bhUDWr5Ruqn1VIWI(vkOHuMbnKYmWXkgzzqnSQJEpfj54WXao6xPGgszgu(kfut9RiSOHuMbU9DwArnSQJEpfj54WrhCu(kfut9RiSOFLcAiLzqdPmdCSOZMoQHvD07Pijhho2GJ(vkOHuMbLVsb1u)kclAiLzGJjgRyOgw1rVNIKCC4Ibo6xPGgszgu(kfut9RiSOHuMbog6BWWGAyvh9EksYXr5RuqJKGirPvsXF4yq7LuJmS6xryrJJsrqP(chogWr)kf0qkZGYxPGAQFfHfnKYmWTVHw2XyHAyvh9EksYXHJo4O8vkOM6xryr)kf0qkZGgszg4yfJSmOgw1rVNIKCC4ydokFLcQP(vew0VsbnKYmOHuMbo6SzZSnudR6O3trsoooA82OgQ5B6Pu(OJeahhhhnsF4ACsE)fYJYOLHTwwmmmmS3GodQge)wBAq5dGJJQj5(i83dok3pI9buutJVveuOO0SAEtHkOiSWrNrRwun5Tg(jE7fQTqSxrybzGgHqMEJ5WTJQzlzsqPlBNGgP)(OQr9fid0TuMefTPOhFeWrw6OCYTD4231QvRwuNNgcAJKMAWK24OLCCCCCaa",
[0] = {
GSESpellCache = {
["enUS"] = {
GSEVariables = {
GSEMacros = {
["Ptrslgwar-TheseGoToEleven"] = {

πŸ”΅ Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10 64bit]
  • Game Version [e.g. classic/bcc/retail (9.1.0)]

πŸ”΅ GSE Version:

  • Version: 12.a
  • Downloaded From: [Patreon Discord]

πŸ”΅ Additional Notes:

  • GSE v12a will not let me IMPORT Macro strings beyond the ONE Macro shown above. If I try to delete the entire macro it returns in the same fashion as described above minus the macroname in the list on the left hand side.
  • Rolled back to v8 and its doing the same thing now - It will not import a 2nd Macro - Deleted everything (all addons and saved variable). I'm installing fresh GSE to see if it fixes it.

Installed v12a again > Rebooted

  • Game Crashed (unrelated to GSE) and I was able to Reboot and import more then one macro - but I have to do it in a specific order
  • Would NOT Import the second two
    SLGWARPROT - code
  • Would Not Import the Last one
    SLGWARPROT - code
  • Imported Fine in this order
    SLGWARPROT - code

There is a long story to this.

If you are in combat and try to hide the a GSE sequence, you will brick your UI as updating buttons is a restricted action. As far back as GSE1 to get around this was the Out of Combat Queue. When you hit β€œsave” the zuzibwiuld tell you it was saved when in reality the save action had been in the OOC queue. When you closed the editor, it would add reopening the menu to the queue so that it made sure the save had finished before you went on.

What you are experiencing is that you are queueing the save but then acting before it has finished. You can verify this by looking at the minimap icon (in the Addons tray in DF/TWW - too right corner of the minimap is a pop out tray.

Thi is one of those things I am still thinking through how to get it to provide accurate feedback. In the interim if you check the queue is clear before relogging you will see things as they are supposed to be.


Yes I'm aware of trying to save a macro or import while in combat -

This is something different and I am out of combat when the described bug is happening.

Looking at the Que - there is 1 Item pending the deletion of a v2 tab and its not finishing


Even though you are out of combat it’s still not immediate. The queue polls. It waits for a time then goes am I in combat ? No ok then start working on this list.

It can take up to a few minutes to complete depending on the delay you have set. The save action is not just save this but it’s recompile the template and change all the buttons and then if there are no issues actually save the change. If it’s pending then the changes havnt been written or finalised yet as it’s still going through all the checks so you don’t save a broken setup.


OK maybe its a Blizzard thing because its been 13 mins and the 1 item is still in Que




OK it produced a LUA Error - hope this helps

1x GSE/API/Storage.lua:593: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got boolean)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `sub'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:593: in function <GSE/API/Storage.lua:582>
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:738: in function `processAction'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:616: in function `processAction'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:616: in function `processAction'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:791: in function `CompileTemplate'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:260: in function `OOCUpdateSequence'
[string "@GSE/API/Events.lua"]:399: in function `?'
[string "@GSE/Lib/AceTimer-3.0-17/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55: in function <GSE/Lib/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "string expected, got boolean"

I need to rethink all those checks. As we are directly calling SecureActionButtonTemplate it has a significantly smaller set of possible states to the old method.


That's beyond me - but I know kinda what you mean

  • its not updating anything > I just deleted a BLOCK > hit SAVE > it went in Que > stayed there and showed on the macro as deleted. Que never finished. /reloaded and the deleted block is back as if I was working on the macro in-combat.

Blizzard changed something because this is happening on old versions also now


Have fixed the bug part of this. Need to see if the timing part is also fixed as a result. Going to leave this open but release as alpha12-b


closing this as it appears to be behaving. also #1467 will overtake this