GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Lost custom macros when changing between release to beta and back

OpusRedX opened this issue · 3 comments


Lucky I backed up my GS-Core.lua file before I install GSE2 Beta 1 because when I switched back to GS-E 1.5.2 because of the no KeyRelease bug, all my custom macros were all gone even though they were still listed in the gs-core.lua file. I just restored my old file and everything was back to normal. I would think the old GS-Core.lua file should not be touched just read to allow the user to import their own custom macros.



I did remove some old macros from the list yesterday and I don't have the first original file so this one might be OK, but was going to wait to test it after you give the green light on the KeyRelease function.


Will look at this tonight - Curious how it behaves after beta 2