GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] unable to swap between macro and macrotext in same sequence

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 3 comments


🔵 Describe the bug:
Unless as it’s going from macro to macro I need to get SATB to clear the other setting.

SATB uses the same attribute. Hmm we send

type: macro
macro: macroname

macrotext: all my stuff

I wonder if it’s seeing:

type: macro
macro: macroname
macrotext: all my stuff

Instead and not clearing the previous


OK Looks like the GSESeq is not advancing [rogue] will not /cast Sinister Strike when its placed in a GSESeq Macro BLK.

	[1] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[2] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[3] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[4] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[5] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[6] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[7] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[8] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[9] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[10] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/cast Sinister Strike",
		["type"] = "macro"

If I swap form Macro Blk to SPELL BLK the Compiled Template drops the Spell name. This never updates even if I backspace out the /cast and hit save or pick a spell from the tab-dropdown. ATM I have to delete the Block and Re-input info to the new BLK. then it Compiles normally again

    [1] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [2] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [3] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [4] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [5] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [6] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [7] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [8] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [9] = {
        ["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
        ["type"] = "macro"
    [10] = {
        ["type"] = "spell"

If I put /cast Sinister Stick in a IN Game Macro and call it with the others via GSESeq Macro BLK it works as intended

	[1] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[2] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[3] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[4] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[5] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[6] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[7] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTBTE",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[8] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTAMBUSH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[9] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTDISPATCH",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[10] = {
		["macro"] = "TESTSS",
		["type"] = "macro"

When I combine the GSESeq Macro BLK Macro Call with SPELLS it works fine and Advances:

	[1] = {
		["macro"] = "SLG-R-OPENER",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[2] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Between the Eyes",
		["unit"] = "target"
	[3] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Ambush",
		["unit"] = "target"
	[4] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Eviscerate",
		["unit"] = "target"
	[5] = {
		["macro"] = "SLG-R-OPENER",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[6] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Between the Eyes",
		["unit"] = "target"
	[7] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Ambush",
		["unit"] = "target"
	[8] = {
		["type"] = "spell",
		["spell"] = "Eviscerate",
		["unit"] = "target"

When I combine the GSESeq Macro BLK Macro Call with Macro BLKS it will not Advance/Use the Macro BLKs

	[1] = {
		["macro"] = "SLG-R-OPENER",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[2] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [nostealth,combat] Between the Eyes
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[3] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [combat] Ambush
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[4] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [combat] Eviscerate
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[5] = {
		["macro"] = "SLG-R-OPENER",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[6] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [nostealth,combat] Between the Eyes
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[7] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [combat] Ambush
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"
	[8] = {
		["macrotext"] = "/targetenemy [noharm,nocombat]
/startattack [nocombat]
/cast [combat] Eviscerate
/cast [combat] Shadow Dance",
		["type"] = "macro"

Sorry - trying to give you as much info as possible