GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Random SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory on login

peanutterr opened this issue Β· 13 comments


πŸ”΅ Describe the bug:
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
I get this msg when I log in to the game, I cant see any talent builds or my spell book BUT if I add a new talent build my olds talent builds appear but i still cant see my spell book

πŸ”΅ To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

πŸ”΅ The error:
Paste the error message in this blockquote.

Message: ...Blizzard_PlayerSpells/Blizzard_PlayerSpellsFrame.lua:318: Usage: GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID[, sex])
Time: Tue Jul 30 14:38:26 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...Blizzard_PlayerSpells/Blizzard_PlayerSpellsFrame.lua:318: Usage: GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID[, sex])
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/Blizzard_PlayerSpellsFrame.lua"]:318: in function <...Blizzard_PlayerSpells/Blizzard_PlayerSpellsFrame.lua:315>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentsFrame.lua"]:729: in function `RefreshCurrencyDisplay'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentsFrame.lua"]:1345: in function `UpdateInspecting'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentsFrame.lua"]:103: in function <...erSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentsFrame.lua:66>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:101: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua:100>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pcall'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:99: in function `GetCurrentTalents'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:199: in function `GetSelectedLoadoutConfigID'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua"]:122: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua:103>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua"]:373: in function `?'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...aste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...aste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...terface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>

Locals: self = PlayerSpellsFrame {
 TitleContainer = Frame {
 TabSystem = Frame {
 Bg = PlayerSpellsFrameBg {
 MaximizeMinimizeButton = Frame {
 TalentsFrame = Frame {
 SpecFrame = Frame {
 MaxMinButtonFrame = Frame {
 TopTileStreaks = Texture {
 NineSlice = Frame {
 maximizedWidth = "1618"
 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate"
 PortraitContainer = Frame {
 CloseButton = PlayerSpellsFrameCloseButton {
 minimizedWidth = "809"
unitSex = 2
specID = nil
(*temporary) = 2

Message: ...layerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory.lua:186: attempt to index local 'skillLineInfo' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Jul 30 14:38:26 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...layerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory.lua:186: attempt to index local 'skillLineInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory.lua"]:186: in function `UpdateSpellGroups'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory.lua"]:15: in function `Init'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookCategory.lua"]:178: in function `Init'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/Mixin.lua"]:28: in function `CreateAndInitFromMixin'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_PlayerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookFrame.lua"]:35: in function <...d_PlayerSpells/SpellBook/Blizzard_SpellBookFrame.lua:30>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:101: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua:100>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pcall'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:99: in function `GetCurrentTalents'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/CharacterFunctions.lua"]:199: in function `GetSelectedLoadoutConfigID'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua"]:122: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua:103>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Events.lua"]:373: in function `?'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...aste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...aste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChatCopyPaste/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...terface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>

Locals: self = <table> {
 categoryEnum = 1
 spellBank = 0
 displayName = "Hunter"
 spellBookFrame = Frame {
newSpellGroups = <table> {
skillLineInfo = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'skillLineInfo' (a nil value)"

πŸ”΅ Screenshots:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

πŸ”΅ Expected behavior:
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

πŸ”΅ GSE.lua file:
Please provide your GSE.lua file or the export string for the specific macro that is causing an issue.

  • To find the GSE.lua file:
  1. First, make sure you have enabled the "File Name Extensions" checkbox in Explorer (View tab)
  2. Browse to C:\path\to\wow\_retail_\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\ or /path/to/WoW/_retail_/WTF/Account/YourAccountName/SavedVariables
  3. Copy the GSE.lua file to your Desktop
  4. Rename this copy to GSA.lua.txt
  5. Then just drag it here in your message
  • Note: If you do not include your GSE.lua file you are wasting your time and mine. 90% of the time, the first thing I will ask for is "Can you please upload your GSE.lua file?". This file is needed with the error to work out Why that error occured for you.

πŸ”΅ Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10 64bit]
  • Game Version [e.g. classic/bcc/retail (9.1.0)]

πŸ”΅ GSE Version:

  • Version: [e.g. 3.x.y]
  • Downloaded From: [e.g.]

πŸ”΅ Additional context:
Add any other context about the problem here.


Mate with which version?


Ok Going to need some more into -
two files - C:\path\to\wow_retail_\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\GSE.lua C:\path\to\wow_retail_\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\YourServer\YourCharacter\GSE.lua
And a list of all your talent loadouts for that character


when you bring up the talent loadouts and you pop open that list - i need those entries
and the two GSE.lua files


like this list on the left from the talent screen




Hi @peanutterr

could you please attach them directly on the GutHub page? It seems GitHub doesn’t add in the attachments when sending via Email


I still cant make this happen but this may potentially be fixed by the change applied to #1563

Could you try 3.2.02-5 and tell me how you go when possible?


nope still happening


Found and Fixed!