GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Not all Macros are importing from a collection

TimothyLuke opened this issue ยท 6 comments


๐Ÿ”ต Describe the bug:
Caused by #1564

When importing from a collection not all macros import.


I would like to add in that it's not just from collections; individual macro strings seem to randomly not want to import for some folks, yet for others - the very same macro string works with no issues. Not sure if it's related- but figured I'd mention it just in case!


Ok collected some data. I really don't think there's a "bug" in the latest .4 GSE, but just in case, here's what I gathered from the Elfyau Assassination Rogue sequence that was created (it appears) on the .3-5 build. I have info and screenshots in the word doc (assuming I can attach it) and the two GSE.lua file GSE.lua.txt GSE.lua.txt Note that the code below appears to be created from the 3.2.03-5 GSE build)..docx

This issue is different. The errors you are getting are from Elfy's Addon calling some old apis that are not part of GSE anymore.

The import string you are trying to import is itself corrupt.


Ill provide data for this tomorrow.


Ok collected some data. I really don't think there's a "bug" in the latest .4 GSE, but just in case, here's what I gathered from the Elfyau Assassination Rogue sequence that was created (it appears) on the .3-5 build. I have info and screenshots in the word doc (assuming I can attach it) and the two GSE.lua file
Note that the code below appears to be created from the 3.2.03-5 GSE build)..docx


Hope that helps! Please don't waste too much of your time if you think it just needs reexporting :)


I did find out that the curse client addon wasn't fully installing the latest versions of GSE. I had to make sure I got all the updates to the latest GSE version, and then had to go in and manually tell it to reinstall GSE. That seemed to have fixed the problem. Prior to that, it was hit or miss as to which import strings would work or fail. After doing that, I found that strings that were failing to import prior to would import with no issues.