GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Regardin Plugin use

Elfyau opened this issue ยท 36 comments


๐Ÿ”ต Describe the bug:
When people try the Plugins and click to import it either does nothing at all or throws errors like or similar to the message pasted below

๐Ÿ”ต To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)

  1. Go to 'GSE/Plugins'
  2. Click on 'Any of Elfyau's Plugins'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

๐Ÿ”ต The error:
Paste the error message in this blockquote.

Message: Interface/AddOns/GSE_Utils/Utils.lua:734: attempt to index global 'GSEStorage' (a nil value)

Time: Wed Aug 7 15:41:44 2024

Count: 1

Stack: Interface/AddOns/GSE_Utils/Utils.lua:734: attempt to index global 'GSEStorage' (a nil value)

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE_Utils/Utils.lua"]:734: in function `ReplaceMacro'

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE3-Elfyau_Druid/loaded.lua"]:68: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE3-Elfyau_Druid/loaded.lua:63>

[string "=[C]"]: ?

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <.../GSE/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `SendMessage'

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE_Utils/Options.lua"]:1146: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE_Utils/Options.lua:1145>

[string "=[C]"]: ?

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:45: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:43>

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceConfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:836: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:658>

[string "=[C]"]: ?

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua:64>

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:300: in function `Fire'

[string "@Interface/AddOns/GSE/Lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua"]:22: in function <...s/GSE/Lib/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-Button.lua:19>


Locals: classid = 11

sequenceName = "EA_GD_ST"

sequence = <table> {

Talents = "?,?,?,?,?,?,?"

Author = "Unknown Author"

GSEVersion = 3105

EnforceCompatability = true

LastUpdated = "20240402111235"

TOC = 90207

Macros = <table> {


SpecID = 11

WeakAuras = <table> {


MetaData = <table> {



(*temporary) = nil

(*temporary) = nil

(*temporary) = nil

(*temporary) = nil

(*temporary) = nil

(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'GSEStorage' (a nil value)"

GSE = <table> {

modules = <table> {


MediaPath = "Interface\Addons\GSE\Media"

inArena = false

GUIRecordFrame = <table> {


inDungeon = false

UsedSequences = <table> {


UnsavedOptions = <table> {


TranslatorAvailable = true

TranslatorLanguageTables = <table> {


name = "GSE"

GUIImportFrame = <table> {


PrintAvailable = true

L = <table> {


SequencesExec = <table> {


defaultModuleState = true

GameMode = 11

Utils = true

ProfileStop = 455062052.564600

AdditionalLanguagesAvailable = false

inHeroic = false

GUICompressFrame = <table> {


GUICacheFrame = <table> {


GUITransmissionFrame = <table> {


currentZone = "Kun-Lai Summit"

WagoAnalytics = <table> {


inRaid = false

MacroPreviewFrame = <table> {


BooleanVariables = <table> {


OutputQueue = <table> {


CurrentGCD = 1.500000

DebugOutput = ""

Static = <table> {


PVPFlag = false

Pause = <table> {


inMythicPlus = false

inParty = false

Library = <table> {


RecorderActive = false

inScenario = false

VersionString = "3.2.06-a"

baseName = "GSE"

MenuFrame = <table> {


SequenceDebugOutput = ""

GUIMacroFrame = <table> {


GUIVariableFrame = <table> {


OOCQueue = <table> {


inMythic = false

enabledState = true

GUIDebugFrame = <table> {


GUIExportframe = <table> {


inTimeWalking = false

OOCTimer = <table> {


LDB = true

GCDLDB = <table> {


GUIkeybindingframe = <table> {


defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {


StandardAddInPacks = <table> {


GUI = <table> {


GUIEditFrame = <table> {


orderedModules = <table> {


PlayerEntered = true

AddInPacks = <table> {


VersionNumber = 3206

V = <table> {



๐Ÿ”ต Screenshots:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

๐Ÿ”ต Expected behavior:
After clicking the plugin it should say macro imported successfully

๐Ÿ”ต GSE.lua file:
Please provide your GSE.lua file or the export string for the specific macro that is causing an issue.

  • To find the GSE.lua file:
  1. First, make sure you have enabled the "File Name Extensions" checkbox in Explorer (View tab)
  2. Browse to C:\path\to\wow\_retail_\WTF\Account\YourAccountName\SavedVariables\ or /path/to/WoW/_retail_/WTF/Account/YourAccountName/SavedVariables
  3. Copy the GSE.lua file to your Desktop
  4. Rename this copy to GSA.lua.txt
  5. Then just drag it here in your message
  • Note: If you do not include your GSE.lua file you are wasting your time and mine. 90% of the time, the first thing I will ask for is "Can you please upload your GSE.lua file?". This file is needed with the error to work out Why that error occured for you.

๐Ÿ”ต Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10 64bit]
  • Game Version [e.g. classic/bcc/retail (9.1.0)]

๐Ÿ”ต GSE Version:

  • Version: [e.g. 3.2.06-a]
  • Downloaded From: [e.g.]

๐Ÿ”ต Additional context:
There are a lot of people saying this now I have included one of my plugins for you (just in case it is me)


No matter which version I try it says that it imports the sequences but doesn't actually import it at all


Did you make the changes to your plugin?


I did yes, I tried both:
if you change
GSE.ReplaceMacro(v.ClassID, k, uncompressedVersion[2])
GSE.AddSequenceToCollection(k, uncompressedVersion[2], v.ClassID)
on Line 64 you will fix this without have to change GSE.


GSE.PerformMergeAction("REPLACE", v.ClassID, k, uncompressedVersion[2])

Since the replacement code didn't work I thought I should note I reverted back to the original plugin code


Found the issue - you're using the advanced export which uses a completely different import method than what you had with individual sequences


So I have to do something different;y now?


You will but I am figuring out what that will be


first part - You are exporting each of these individually. You can use the drop down to select all 4 as one export


Dont need to do that as you are doing a collection. Let me recreate this and send back to you


I was exporting individually so the string matched the name, like at the top:

Sequences["EA_MM_DPS"] = {
["Macro"] = [[deK9jaakkLtHGHbLJrPAzsvpdQAAkQRrK2gs13qOXjOZPi5GeSqq8qv1eLuxeQSrq6JsyKKYjPIvIOxkQzIk3ukTtG6Nc1qrXrvQLQspfvnviDvsSvfXxPsJLQCwKYAvf7Li(RIuhMOwSe9yrmziUSk2mq(mGrlKttOvJsVMIMTiDBQQDlWVjvdNsoojTCfEUsMUQ01PW2b13LkJxsopswVuSe7sqLWBjtLQlJibvc)e5HOCz6zjbvYRe(w5KH(scQKxj84sp(NG3VUrWReW2LWZFunobjNLeuj84eMUTD6AgEj8i5ShRSlRj3EO5S)MggWpjz(utoAtInc8H3Kd2uevlKtqG6SqHaK44WaMTW34R7yEjxScfXX0k5mtpG8qkfFpf0DoG6fhdOh5MCHXFPU5xo7ww5)RjiI5ZuVmM0ulz2KMWdudvZPmYT71hMXK6UGJNycZaKYTM5xWm2xgB8RvD1IgoqtvXSPCLRPaL2Ay1UztLstS3hdmRZ4nRhyIkyYHD525MBwb1GhscHoqivM1FJCNYgNUPFTrD9IIOCS(eZMPoC(q1M6AaUt6AJzYql(A1t9cv2h79Lt(Hll8mtqBOKnrPXL7L(7jlgkztuACgmWkzSwpcVlKiVDBPN7GF3O6)pxbGd6d4QeTiRHQGIJLTGybVb9WGTrvMXaLZ6FUcahuIii4cH46oWOWOVtIguu410Gt1vWgIIx(e2TdueaDhaYUkqz5sH60QqVjCw)Zva4Gsebbxiex3bgfg9Ds0GIcVMgCQUc2qu8YNWUDGIaO7aq2vbklxkuNwf6nHZ6FUcahuIii4cH46oWOWOVtIguu410Gt1vWgIIx(e2TdueaDhaYUkqz5sH60QqVjCw)Zva4Gsebbxiex3bgfg9Ds0GIcVMgCQUc2qu8YNWUDGIaO7aq2vbklxkuNwf6bgJ72Twe)6ehzdBWPSmbKeaNbJXD7wRsxPyTgXCylaC7d1I5VU(WIFDIJSHPgJPyIor(2qdw3plSaxklAtiHmM7GF3O6)pxbGdsK3UTCqmukN6S37j3ENjHIS7(zDOKM2b1ycdrksK3UTCq0MBreba))jaavz7ooa91uu2DitRpj0mVQo7z8fAKXEX2HBQXBDKd8IGUQueyzrFKYhnwsRqZ5EFBqx42hkLmwRhH3fsK3UT0ZDWVBu9)NRaWb9bCvIwK1qvqXXYwqSG3GEyW2OkZyGYz9pxbGdkreeDKKxy1JoRTaQzXeKkoIAKI(8eDD3GIQOlEYWDAhyVica()taaQY2DGrHrFZRmHi(Fe0qv0sKOb54En)NaaufZlrI2cupqdvrlrIgKJ718FcaqvmVqsPeP6c9qSd4)pbaOkB3bgfg9npFbAbQJfU4(cnYyVy7WG0Dai7Q4SpvnHwIZKr7aQzrbFHAynYyVy7Wn1qXpP0zMmAhqnlk4ludRrg7fBhUPgsjs5JJLTmTjcSSOnHeYyC3U1I4xN4ihAWMLUwqaiyXg8pxbGdsK3UT0ZDWVBuX0HIJ9Gl8uYi102m(InOiMh8XR6r7YENn3b)UrftXYF2x0hUCmNNXxOrk6)HvI0DCDvqqUD)pdPQAxdOLbiOHqCDhyuy03jrdYX9MSkKrvqDSWf3xOrg7fBhgKUdazxfhhOhQwP62M1eqa0Dai7QGNff8fQHvtoX2rHd9qSd4)pbaOkB3bgfg9DHHU0cv97mPft4TBTGaqWITw6MlJPd(b3H1cozOKXA9i8UqI82TLEUd(DJQ))CfaoOpGRs0ISgQckow2cIf8g0dd2gvzgduoR)5kaCqjIGGleIR7aJcJ(ojAqrHxtdovxbBikE5ty3oqra0Dai7QaLL1qZxcZKwmPvO5CV0FpPit4TBTGaqWI1IjTcnNtkEycyutz48dnyDZlP5UMT68VNuKrLWdoCD2GP9YP2MYSUFwMascGZa6oWbio9WUfhca()JMwDeqxWJDf9QCKPNhNEszdhSyPjbS4iL9m(cnYyVy7WOLOf(2qd1iPGFkIRb5l6nPejAqrHxtd(5JEFajvB9)mKQQDnGwf0ScORDnTfqnlk4luddrnv0XIjTcnN7L(7jfzcVDRfeacwSwmPvO5CsXdtaJAkdNFObRBEjn31SvN)9KImgjVWQNFFtGuwlgvWQ3IAo8Kpp60Hti)SmY0XIJWrlNbhMbBi77ppLkKG)IZOaVS2C))XpnvmJqZ2RWe23j0ncri)SszTdKavo0f8NLrfPbTMdg7Mn5EG0qLIcP6bhpkC3yc)BN3DmwvTWofpIvltzXfabZQfDA8RZ3udSHC5WcVDKEhBjA)fftV5rorbp6uon(WYfxCk379EV3lsHCp(w4g82fjc0GhICcfcy2Ez5MYq60aAQlfBQZbYLZanqi5PWQyPH114Wl3JhOvUOvrrrrrrrrrrrbhEod5xQzliPGNsCjynf)Ic0dDG8IAN44YcXLRHtCgIQPg4WmymDqFgWwm0OanbaelOIyAXrSwi9KIWjSUqMZcpIg(xvWfV4KBfN5Jg0Y59xqKfgOEkpai0rk0WjS40KTM8kJXWupt2wZXbLZNLrUTG0bg3gZKbRZbPwwhoHNaXSc2RSjSqtnuOqbBeRX33AiBRVNVNw6ZZKY0EWZHbXg04PzM5lVqZ8LCR(c5f9qYhwca5rQxZOdksVVnO9f96yQTWqGIqZcI7L0bkIUo4PeXEMugnqlHDl4lLUISbKL69dIa5lgj3g6tidomdMvwYRKxj8Vuwhj8)yooCFuNyWsELiba]],
["SpecID"] = 270,
["ClassID"] = 10

Try this with 3.2.07-1-xxxxxx

Now in this you will notice that the table at the top is a lot simpler - it just has a name and an export. I exported you BM and Marks sequences as two collections. These could be 1 or 5 but dont need all the other detail just the export.

The names part has also been simplified as its just descriptive


well if you open that zip file have a look at the loaded.lua file


The plugin doesn't even show up for me to try


I am sorry for being very blonde atm:
Do I have to change the mod name here:


I made some changes to it on said lines but the plugin itself is still not showing within GSE.


No - it gets the name here from the .toc file

Look at line 26, 31 and 39 for the things to change.


i see


I get this:-
But in the game this:- (both straight with the zip you sent and with the changes I made):


go to the end of that line and look for a , after the ]] eg ]], should just be ]] Or if you copy the loaded.lua.txt from #1585 (comment) over the top of loaded.lua it has the change


Wait - did you change the name of the folder? I ask as the name of the folder and the name of the toc file inside it have to be identical


Are you getting an error? Is there anything in BugGrabber?


completely random - go to link 26 and check there is not a , at the end of the line - same for line 27


The TOC file is named correctly, there is no comma - but BugGrabber says:
16x GSE3-Elfyau_Hunter/loaded.lua:1 GSE3-Elfyau_Hunter/loaded.lua:27: unexpected symbol near '='


Thank you!1 I found the errant comma. I see it and it imports. Before I will mark it as complete for just the last few questions to make sure I do everything properly.
With this part
Does it matter what I name it? Does it have to match anything?
Do I no longer need the specID and classID's?
Can it provide a choice to replace, or rename sequences that are already in GSE of the same name?


Does it matter what I name it? Does it have to match anything?

Do I no longer need the specID and classID's?
No don't need them

Can it provide a choice to replace, or rename sequences that are already in GSE of the same name?

GSE.ImportSerialisedSequence(v, true) The true at the end means replace -
GSE.ImportSerialisedSequence(v, false) false means popup the import dialog to let the user choose.


Done! Thank you so much for your help and guidance and more importantly your patience with me I truly appreciate it. thank you.


I have released the GSE side of that fix as 3.2.07-a


Awesome thanks again for everything <3


you may have to change the plugin as that API was removed - i tried to put it back but its not behaving


if you change
GSE.ReplaceMacro(v.ClassID, k, uncompressedVersion[2])
GSE.AddSequenceToCollection(k, uncompressedVersion[2], v.ClassID)

on Line 64 you will fix this without have to change GSE. This will trigger the normal import dialog prompting the user to choose what to do.


if you want to force the update then replace line 64 with this line instead

GSE.PerformMergeAction("REPLACE", v.ClassID, k, uncompressedVersion[2])


Try 3.2.06-a-1 and let me know if its fixed


For myself and one other, it is now saying - [CLASSNAME] Macro Set has been loaded. (I used Hunter they used Monk) But no sequences show in GSE even after a reload. I will let you know if I gather any other feedback


Sorry to do this to you again. The plugins are showing up in Blizzard but not under GSE. It is my fault - please check what I have done. Thank you and sorry.

I have included one of the current plugins for you to check


People pointed out that I had a typo I had C.Addons instead of C_AddOns.
My bad I am sorry to have bothered you


all good i just got to this