GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Error on /gs.

Zandrae opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Fresh install.
Addons running: GS-E downloaded from Curse.
Bartender 4.
Bug Grabber/Bug Catcher to grab the LUA error.
All other addons are off.

Expected Behavior: Pop up a GUI.
What actually happened: The /gs remained in my chat bar and didn't go away.
The addon printed information about some talents (my talents are 1123321).

DBM_MMAOE Talents: 3113122 HUNTER Marksmanship
Contributed by Nano

The UI threw an error as follows.

3x GS-Core\Core.lua:218: attempt to concatenate field 'author' (a nil value)
GS-Core\Core.lua:218: in function <GS-Core\Core.lua:208>
GS-Core\Core.lua:284: in function `?'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4332: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4000: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4036: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

txt = 2
currentSpec = 2
currentSpecID = 254
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 DB_MMAOE = <table> {
 DB_havocsingle = <table> {
 DB_Arms_AOE = <table> {
 DB_Frosty = <table> {
 DB_BM = <table> {
 DB_Arcane = <table> {
 DB_bear2 = <table> {
 DB_Vengeance = <table> {
 DB_Arms_ST = <table> {
 DB_DHHavoc = <table> {
 DB_Assassin = <table> {
 DB_SURVAOE = <table> {
 DB_Fury4 = <table> {
 DB_FDK2 = <table> {
 DB_winsingle = <table> {
 DB_WW = <table> {
 DB_DF = <table> {
 DB_Fury3 = <table> {
 DB_SurvivelH = <table> {
 DB_Fury2 = <table> {
 DB_Fury1 = <table> {
 DB_DiscDeeps = <table> {
 DB_AFF = <table> {
 DB_Destro = <table> {
 DB_MMS = <table> {
 DB_Mm = <table> {
 DB_BMAOE = <table> {
 DB_AFF2 = <table> {
 DB_Boomer = <table> {
 DB_RetAoE = <table> {
 DB_Elem = <table> {
 DB_ElemAoE = <table> {
 DB_RestoDeeps = <table> {
 DB_enhsingle = <table> {
 DB_EnhST = <table> {
 DB_feralsingle = <table> {
 DB_Feral-AoE = <table> {
 DB_ProtWar = <table> {
 DB_Outlaw = <table> {
 DB_HolyPriesty = <table> {
 DB_Feral-ST = <table> {
 DB_DKunholy = <table> {
 DB_RestoBoomer = <table> {
 DB_KTN_MouseOver = <table> {
 DB_Demon = <table> {
 DB_feralaoe = <table> {
 DB_Fire = <table> {
 DB_HolyDeeps = <table> {
 DB_Blood = <table> {
 DB_Prot = <table> {
 DB_SURVST = <table> {
 DB_DBFrost = <table> {
 DB_KTN_DiscDeeps = <table> {
 DB_BMsingle = <table> {
 DB_ShadowPriest = <table> {
 DB_BMaoe = <table> {
 DB_bear1 = <table> {
 DB_Ret = <table> {
 DB_Subtle = <table> {
(for control) = "DB_MMS"
name = "DB_MMS"
sequence = <table> {
 1 = "/cast [nochanneling] !Arcane Shot"
 2 = "/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot"
 3 = "/cast [nochanneling] Windburst"
 4 = "/cast [nochanneling] !Aimed Shot"
 5 = "/cast [nochanneling] Piercing Shot"
 6 = "/cast [nochanneling] !Arcane Shot"
 7 = "/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot"
 PostMacro = "/startattack
 helpTxt = "Talents: 3113122"
 specID = 254
 PreMacro = "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Trueshot
 icon = "Ability_Hunter_FocusedAim"
_ = 254
specname = "Marksmanship"
specdescription = "A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar."
specicon = "Icons\Ability_Hunter_FocusedAim"
_ = "bg-hunter-marksman"
specrole = "DAMAGER"
specclass = "HUNTER"
(*temporary) = <function> defined @FrameXML\RestrictedInfrastructure.lua:116
(*temporary) = "|cffff0000"
(*temporary) = "GS-Core"
(*temporary) = ":|r |cFF00FF00"
(*temporary) = "DB_MMS"
(*temporary) = "|r "
(*temporary) = "Talents: 3113122"
(*temporary) = " |cFFFFFF00"
(*temporary) = "HUNTER"
(*temporary) = " "
(*temporary) = "Marksmanship"
(*temporary) = " |cFF0000FFContributed by: "
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "|r "
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate field 'author' (a nil value)"
Sequences = <table> {
 DB_MMAOE = <table> {
 DB_havocsingle = <table> {
 DB_Arms_AOE = <table> {
 DB_Frosty = <table> {
 DB_BM = <table> {
 DB_Arcane = <table> {
 DB_bear2 = <table> {
 DB_Vengeance = <table> {
 DB_Arms_ST = <table> {
 DB_DHHavoc = <table> {
 DB_Assassin = <table> {
 DB_SURVAOE = <table> {
 DB_Fury4 = <table> {
 DB_FDK2 = <table> {
 DB_winsingle = <table> {
 DB_WW = <table> {
 DB_DF = <table> {
 DB_Fury3 = <table> {
 DB_SurvivelH = <table> {
 DB_Fury2 = <table> {
 DB_Fury1 = <table> {
 DB_DiscDeeps = <table> {
 DB_AFF = <table> {
 DB_Destro = <table> {
 DB_MMS = <table> {
 DB_Mm = <table> {
 DB_BMAOE = <table> {
 DB_AFF2 = <table> {
 DB_Boomer = <table> {
 DB_RetAoE = <table> {
 DB_Elem = <table> {
 DB_ElemAoE = <table> {
 DB_RestoDeeps = <table> {
 DB_enhsingle = <table> {
 DB_EnhST = <table> {
 DB_feralsingle = <table> {
 DB_Feral-AoE = <table> {
 DB_ProtWar = <table> {
 DB_Outlaw = <table> {
 DB_HolyPriesty = <table> {
 DB_Feral-ST = <table> {
 DB_DKunholy = <table>

THis was fixed in the 1.0.3 release and is a duplicate of #13

If you still have this error please check you have 1.0.3 installed.


Ive also fixed the Hunter Sequence causing the problem.


reverified and closed in v1.0.4