GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[ENH] Sorting in Actionbar override is lexiographical and not exactly presented as well as it could.

TerohsLab opened this issue · 8 comments


🔵 Describe the bug:
Sorting in Actionbar override is cooked. Its sorting actionbar10 before actionbar2

🔵 Screenshots:

🔵 Expected behavior:
Sane sorting.

🔵 Desktop (please complete the following information):

OS: Linux Tumbleweed - 560 NVidia drivers - Wayland
Wow retail - ELVUI

🔵 GSE Version:

Version: 3.2.14-a
Downloaded From: WoWup - CF

🔵 Additional context:

There should also be some sort of sorting, searching or categorizing. Also maybe come context information about what was / is bound to this bar slot right now .. if thats available.


The order is alphabetical unfortunately. Lua sorts strings as abc1 , abc10 … abc2 this isn’t a bug as such but a better algorithm is needed.

the context on what else has been bound is fraught with issues. Does it show all wow keybinds? Does it just show GSE’s one? If the latter the list on the right already tells you that. If the former, binds are stored by key not by destination so its cycling through every bind to find where it goes to see if its a button. Then there are the binds like GSE’s that aren’t stored in the keybind cache. Worthing that every time you go to show the keybind key is extremely cpu intensive.


I personally feel like the lack of giving grouping / giving context issue is way worse then the sorting.


A dropdown can’t give any context - it’s just a list of buttons.

If you are using Elv every button is ElvUI_BarXButtonY. BarX is how Elv refers to it everywhere. There are 18 default bars but you can create as many more as you wish.

Bartender just refers to everything as BTButton1 through to BTButton180 without any information on what button is where.

WoW’s default action bars 2 and 3 from its settings don’t exist.

The only one with a sane naming convention is ConsolePort.

To add that extra bit of complexity you can use all of these bars simultaneously.

As you have to use /fstack to get the button name and the list shows all the button names /fstack would return for you, what exactly are you expecting to see?


Absolutely love that you give this much context to all of the replies. Thats so rare and is very appreciated by myself and fellow googlers to come.

For context i meant :

IF possible .. show what skill is linked on that spot atm.

For grouping :

Giving the naming conventions you just mentioned, it should be a just a regex.


Context - it’s possible but would take about 3-5 minutes to work out and would need to be rechecked every time you hit the right hand frame. It’s just not practical.

Grouping - if the bars sorted alphabetically rather than lexiographically then the grouping (by bar with the exception of Bartender4) that currently exists would be more evident.


Context - it’s possible but would take about 3-5 minutes to work out

Sorry to take 5min of your time for the sake of thousands of people worldwide.


Context - it’s possible but would take about 3-5 minutes to work out

Sorry to take 5min of your time for the sake of thousands of people worldwide.

3-5 mins of time to show the dialog every time you want to update or create an override. It’s not a cheap in CPU time thing to work out. It’s a lot of request - wait for callback before process type stuff.