[BUG] Cataclysm Classic GSE - Potential Issue with dual spec
Rorthron opened this issue · 10 comments
I am using GSE 3.2.17-a to create a very simple macro for my Unholy DK which is mapped to Action Bar 1, Button 1. Because of the change I am forced to use Key binds.
When I switch to Blood spec I want to use Button 1 for something else, not a GSE macro but I cannot do that. The macro fires regardless of the spec. According to the documentation I am supposed to use Talent Loadouts to allow for this, but this does not work. I've tried to add a Talent in the macro but it just shows text boxes and does nothing.
When I save that in the macro, there is no change to the drop down in the key bind. Has the loadout functionality been implemented for Cata? I was expecting to see the two different specs listed in the drop down, but it just says "All talent loadouts"
Am I just doing something wrong here, or is there missing functionality for this?
Well it did because I could use different macros on different action bars and Blizzard would switch action bars when I changed spec.
You are confusing wow's action bar switching in Cata with GSE's capabilities. GSE could never tell your spec until Legion. You might want to look at Actionbar Overrides from the wiki.
of look at using variables and if blocks to create one sequence for both specs
Yes, I am looking at this from an overall functionality perspective, rather than what GSE itself does. I'll take a look the other options. If I can tell in the macro which spec I am in that could work. Cheers
there is also known
/cast [known:Shield of the Righteous] Prot spell; [known:holy shock] healing spell; [known:seal of command] ret spell