[BUG] PerformOneOffEvents LUA error in 3.2.18b-1 and 3.2.18b
sardinecommits opened this issue · 6 comments
LUA errors in PerformOneOffEvents in the two most recent versions (3.2.18a works fine), specifically on low level hunter and warrior on era servers. I tried deleting all GSE files from wtf folder and resetting keybinds in game on the newer versions but that didn't fix it only rolling back to 3.2.18a
GSE/API/OneOffEvents.lua:71: attempt to index field 'ActionBarBinds' (a nil value)
[string "@GSE/API/OneOffEvents.lua"]:71: in function `PerformOneOffEvents'
[string "@GSE/API/Events.lua"]:358: in function `?'
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...tie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...tie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Questie/Libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...ceQuestie/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "Tryingtomay"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ActionBarBinds' (a nil value)"
GSE = <table> {
OutputQueue = <table> {
MediaPath = "Interface\Addons\GSE\Media"
SpecIDClassList = <table> {
inDungeon = false
UsedSequences = <table> {
UnsavedOptions = <table> {
DebugOutput = ""
Static = <table> {
StandardAddInPacks = <table> {
GUI = <table> {
TranslatorAvailable = true
baseName = "GSE"
PVPFlag = false
TranslatorLanguageTables = <table> {
name = "GSE"
VersionNumber = 3218
inMythic = false
inParty = false
Library = <table> {
PrintAvailable = false
RecorderActive = false
L = <table> {
V = <table> {
VersionString = "3.2.18-b-1-gef8dc32"
SequencesExec = <table> {
SequenceDebugOutput = ""
defaultModuleState = true
GameMode = 1
ProfileStop = 36062856.855700
OOCQueue = <table> {
AdditionalLanguagesAvailable = false
inHeroic = false
enabledState = true
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
modules = <table> {
orderedModules = <table> {
PlayerEntered = false
CurrentGCD = 1.500000
WagoAnalytics = <table> {
inRaid = false
Pause = <table> {
BooleanVariables = <table> {
Which leads into
GSE_GUI/SpellCache.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pairs'
[string "@GSE_GUI/SpellCache.lua"]:15: in function `GUICreateCacheTabs'
[string "@GSE_GUI/SpellCache.lua"]:221: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@GSE/API/Events.lua"]:727: in function `CheckGUI'
[string "@GSE_Utils/Utils.lua"]:724: in function `?'
[string "@AI_VoiceOver/Libs/AceConsole-3.0-7/AceConsole-3.0.lua"]:90: in function `?'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:5034: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua:4980>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:4686: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua:4685>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Classic/ChatFrame.lua"]:4722: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*ChatFrame.xml:120_OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*ChatFrame.xml:120_OnEnterPressed"]:1>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
GSE/API/Storage.lua:205: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pairs'
[string "@GSE/API/Storage.lua"]:205: in function `PerformReloadSequences'
[string "@GSE/API/Events.lua"]:338: in function `?'
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...tie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...tie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Questie/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Questie/Libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...ceQuestie/Libs/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
GSE_GUI/KeyBinding.lua:821: attempt to index field 'ActionBarBinds' (a nil value)
[string "@GSE_GUI/KeyBinding.lua"]:821: in function <GSE_GUI/KeyBinding.lua:726>
[string "@GSE_GUI/KeyBinding.lua"]:896: in function `ShowKeyBindings'
[string "@GSE_GUI/Menu.lua"]:130: in function <GSE_GUI/Menu.lua:129>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AI_VoiceOver/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <...eAI_VoiceOver/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua:64>
[string "@AI_VoiceOver/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:300: in function `Fire'
[string "@AI_VoiceOver/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua"]:23: in function <...AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-InteractiveLabel.lua:22>
newButton = <table> {
type = "Button"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 24
parent = <table> {
autoWidth = false
disabled = false
userdata = <table> {
base = <table> {
events = <table> {
frame = AceGUI30Button14 {
text = AceGUI30Button14Text {
newActionButton = <table> {
type = "Button"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 24
parent = <table> {
autoWidth = false
disabled = false
userdata = <table> {
base = <table> {
events = <table> {
frame = AceGUI30Button15 {
text = AceGUI30Button15Text {
fontName = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF"
fontHeight = 12
fontFlags = ""
KeyBindheader = <table> {
label = FontString {
parent = <table> {
image = Texture {
userdata = <table> {
base = <table> {
fontObject = AceGUI30LabelFont16 {
type = "Label"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 28
events = <table> {
frame = Frame {
specid = 0
actionHeader = <table> {
label = FontString {
parent = <table> {
image = Texture {
userdata = <table> {
base = <table> {
fontObject = AceGUI30LabelFont17 {
type = "Label"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 28
events = <table> {
frame = Frame {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
label = FontString {
parent = <table> {
image = Texture {
userdata = <table> {
base = <table> {
fontObject = AceGUI30LabelFont17 {
type = "Label"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 28
events = <table> {
frame = Frame {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
parent = <table> {
userdata = <table> {
scrollframe = ScrollFrame {
type = "ScrollFrame"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 26
base = <table> {
events = <table> {
children = <table> {
frame = Frame {
localstatus = <table> {
content = Frame {
scrollbar = AceConfigDialogScrollFrame9ScrollBar {
(*temporary) = <table> {
parent = <table> {
userdata = <table> {
scrollframe = ScrollFrame {
type = "ScrollFrame"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 26
base = <table> {
events = <table> {
children = <table> {
frame = Frame {
localstatus = <table> {
content = Frame {
scrollbar = AceConfigDialogScrollFrame9ScrollBar {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = Frame {
original_width = 300
obj = <table> {
height = 83.555557
width = 300
(*temporary) = <table> {
1 = <table> {
2 = <table> {
3 = <table> {
4 = <table> {
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = Frame {
original_width = 300
obj = <table> {
height = 83.555557
width = 300
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ActionBarBinds' (a nil value)"
leftscroll = <table> {
parent = <table> {
userdata = <table> {
scrollframe = ScrollFrame {
type = "ScrollFrame"
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 26
base = <table> {
events = <table> {
children = <table> {
frame = Frame {
localstatus = <table> {
content = Frame {
scrollbar = AceConfigDialogScrollFrame9ScrollBar {
AceGUI = <table> {
objPools = <table> {
WidgetBase = <table> {
counts = <table> {
LayoutRegistry = <table> {
tooltip = AceGUITooltip {
WidgetRegistry = <table> {
WidgetVersions = <table> {
WidgetContainerBase = <table> {
L = <table> {
was imported with the following errors. = " was imported with the following errors."
Local Function: = "Local Function: "
Scenario = "Scenario"
Actionbar Buttons = "Actionbar Buttons"
About = "About"
Heroic setting changed to Default. = "Heroic setting changed to Default."
Step Function = "Step Function"
Copy this link and paste it into a chat window. = "Copy this link and paste it into a chat window."
Resets sequences back to the initial state when out of combat. = "Resets sequences back to the initial state when out of combat."
Colour and Accessibility Options = "Colour and Accessibility Options"
Set Key to Bind = "Set Key to Bind"
The default sizes of each window. = "The default sizes of each window."
Left Shift Key = "Left Shift Key"
Print to the chat window if the alt, shift, control modifiers as well as the button pressed on each macro keypress. = "Print t
Hi I need more information unfortunately. With what you have said I can go yes you have an error but not why you have an error.
Can you please upload the GSE.Lua file from
when you open this file it will contain GSE_C = at the beginning. If it doesn’t have this it will be the wrong file.
I am assuming this is retail: if not the path above will be different and would need to know which flavour of the game you are playing.
I also would need your OS and exactly where you downloaded GSE from as there are different versions in different places.
I would suggest from the wiki page: https://github.com/TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler/wiki/KeyBinding-and-Actionbar-Overrides
/run GSE_C.ActionBarBinds = {}
Then log out and back in
This is happening on classic era.
I've just fresh installed GSE v.3.2.18-b-1-gef8dc32 from curse with only GSE and Bugsack/grabber installed. I'm on win 11 23H2 (10.0.22631).
GSE.LUA looks like this.
GSE_C = {
["Updates"] = {
["3202"] = true,
["3212"] = true,
["3201"] = true,
["KeyBindings"] = {
["1"] = {
GSELegacyLibraryBackup = nil