GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Losing macros when editing KeyPress field

manoelbgn opened this issue · 8 comments


So, after the last update some hours ago, I've just lose my macros, and by that, I mean that the version tab is just blank, there isn't the edit fields anymore.
I've spent like an hour now trying to understand what was causing that, and noticed that it happens every time that I use the field Keypress, when keep that empty, it is possible to keep using macros and editing them, but the ones that I was using perfectly until last night, is no longer working.


I may have fixed this as part of #173


Can you try this with the latest update? I cant cause it but want to be sure.


I'm playing in PT-br (Brazilian Protuguese).
It is possible that it is causing the "issue"? Cause, as a said before, until last night I was using GSE 2.0 without problems. And as also playing in PT-br


Well, just for curiosity, I've changed the game lang to English, wiped everything related to GSE from wow files (WTF, Interface) and I have also uninstalled GSE, and them installed again, open the game in english and it has the same behaviour.
When I just input something on Sequence and save, it is just fine, but, if I insert anything on KeyPress field, the "bug" happens. And it is some kind of side effect I think. Anyway, follow another print form my last try. If there is anything I can do to help you fix it, let me now.


PS.: the sequence I'm trying to add on KeyPress was just:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Nemesis
but, even if I add just the targetenemy [noharm][dead], it also happens :/


Sure I can. Right now I'm on my office, but I'll download and try the last version available as soon as I get in home and I will let you know the results.
I would like to really thank for all you effort on solving all the issue that are poping up all day here.


Well, I finally get home and test the fixes... Such an amazing job. It's working wonderfully well :D really thanks