Macros stopped working since latest patch
VFBAVFBA001 opened this issue · 18 comments
Since latest update my macros don't respond, they don't initiate. They still showed up fine in the list when I type /gs. I have removed my WTF folder, and deleted the addon folders, after a clean re-install of addon and config... same result.
...sidenote: this doesn't seem to affect anything, but if you type /m my macros are all spaced funny while gs installed.
(by patch i mean the latest 2.0.4 patch to GSE2) i reinstalled GSE 2.0.3 and everything works fine again....
GSEOptions = {
["use2"] = false,
["STANDARDFUNCS"] = "|cff55ddcc",
["COMMENT"] = "|cff55cc55",
["use14"] = true,
["EQUALS"] = "|cffccddee",
["use11"] = false,
["sendDebugOutputToChatWindow"] = false,
["debug"] = false,
["use6"] = false,
["CommandColour"] = "|cFF00FF00",
["UNKNOWN"] = "|cffff6666",
["use1"] = false,
["sendDebugOutputToDebugOutput"] = true,
["hideSoundErrors"] = false,
["AddInPacks"] = {
["GS-HighPerformanceMacros"] = {
["Version"] = "v2.0",
["Name"] = "GS-HighPerformanceMacros",
["SequenceNames"] = {
"HP_SBMmain", -- [1]
"HP_RBMAoE", -- [2]
"HP_AOEDF", -- [3]
"HP_2RBMAoE", -- [4]
"HP_SquishyDK", -- [5]
"HP_RBMmain", -- [6]
"HP_BM2", -- [7]
"HP_BladeFuryAE", -- [8]
"HP_BM1", -- [9]
"HP_lookdead", -- [10]
"HP_enhST", -- [11]
"HP_BMburst", -- [12]
"HP_BladeFuryBuilder", -- [13]
"HP_EX_DemoAoE", -- [14]
"HP_SAoE", -- [15]
"HP_Healpet", -- [16]
"HP_DFST", -- [17]
"HP_BladeFuryDump", -- [18]
"HP_EX_Demo", -- [19]
"HP_2RSBM", -- [20]
"HP_EX_Unholy", -- [21]
"HP_OShit", -- [22]
["Samples"] = {
["Version"] = "204",
["Name"] = "Samples",
["SequenceNames"] = {
"SAM_ProtWar", -- [1]
"SAM_Fury1", -- [2]
"SAM_Arms_ST", -- [3]
"SAM_Arms_AOE", -- [4]
"SAM_FuryAOE", -- [5]
"SAM_RetAOE", -- [6]
"SAM_HolyDeeps", -- [7]
"SAM_Prot_AOE", -- [8]
"SAM_RetRef", -- [9]
"SAM_Prot_ST", -- [10]
"SAM_Ret", -- [11]
"SAM_Palla_Sera", -- [12]
"SAM_BMaoe", -- [13]
"SAM_BMsingle", -- [14]
"SAM_SURVST", -- [15]
"SAM_SURVAOE", -- [16]
"SAM_Marks_AOE", -- [17]
"SAM_Mm_ST", -- [18]
"SAM_CalliynOutlaw", -- [19]
"SAM_Assassin", -- [20]
"SAM_Subtle", -- [21]
"SAM_Disc-THeal", -- [22]
"SAM_HolyPriesty", -- [23]
"SAM_KTN_MouseOver", -- [24]
"SAM_Disc-THealAoe", -- [25]
"SAM_Disc-TDPS", -- [26]
"SAM_ShadowPriest", -- [27]
"SAM_FDK2", -- [28]
"SAM_BloodDK", -- [29]
"SAM_DKunholy", -- [30]
"SAM_ElemAoE", -- [31]
"SAM_MC_Chain", -- [32]
"SAM_RestoDeeps", -- [33]
"SAM_enhsingle", -- [34]
"SAM_Elem", -- [35]
"SAM_MC_Surge", -- [36]
"SAM_MC_Wave", -- [37]
"SAM_Fire", -- [38]
"SAM_Arcane", -- [39]
"SAM_Ichthys_Frosty", -- [40]
"SAM_AFF", -- [41]
"SAM_DemoAoE", -- [42]
"SAM_Demon", -- [43]
"SAM_Destro", -- [44]
"SAM_DemoSingle", -- [45]
"SAM_AFF2", -- [46]
"SAM_BrewMaster_AoE", -- [47]
"SAM_WW", -- [48]
"SAM_BrewMaster_ST", -- [49]
"SAM_winsingle", -- [50]
"SAM_Feral-AoE", -- [51]
"SAM_Boomer", -- [52]
"SAM_Bear", -- [54]
"SAM_Feral-ST", -- [55]
"SAM_druid_bala_st", -- [56]
"SAM_DHHavoc", -- [57]
"SAM_Vengeance", -- [58]
["autoCreateMacroStubsGlobal"] = false,
["STRING"] = "|cff888888",
["clearUIErrors"] = false,
["saveAllMacrosLocal"] = true,
["filterList"] = {
["All"] = false,
["Spec"] = true,
["Global"] = false,
["Class"] = true,
["TitleColour"] = "|cFFFF0000",
["hideUIErrors"] = false,
["initialised"] = true,
["resetOOC"] = true,
["DebugModules"] = {
["Translator"] = false,
["GUI"] = true,
["Storage"] = true,
["Editor"] = true,
["API"] = true,
["Versions"] = true,
["Viewer"] = true,
["Transmission"] = true,
["INDENT"] = "|cffccaa88",
["DisabledSequences"] = {
["use12"] = false,
["EmphasisColour"] = "|cFFFFFF00",
["NUMBER"] = "|cffffaa00",
["WOWSHORTCUTS"] = "|cffddaaff",
["RealtimeParse"] = false,
["deleteOrphansOnLogout"] = false,
["useTranslator"] = false,
["UnfoundSpells"] = {
"talent:5/2:Incarnation: King of the Jungle", -- [1]
"", -- [2]
"Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)", -- [3]
"Travel Form", -- [4]
"Travel Form", -- [5]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [6]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [7]
"13", -- [8]
"14", -- [9]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [10]
"13", -- [11]
"14", -- [12]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [13]
"13", -- [14]
"14", -- [15]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [16]
"13", -- [17]
"14", -- [18]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [19]
"13", -- [20]
"14", -- [21]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [22]
"13", -- [23]
"14", -- [24]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [25]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [26]
"13", -- [27]
"14", -- [28]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [29]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [30]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [31]
"13", -- [32]
"14", -- [33]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [34]
"13", -- [35]
"14", -- [36]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [37]
"13", -- [38]
"14", -- [39]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [40]
"13", -- [41]
"14", -- [42]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [43]
"13", -- [44]
"14", -- [45]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [46]
"13", -- [47]
"14", -- [48]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [49]
"13", -- [50]
"14", -- [51]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [52]
"13", -- [53]
"14", -- [54]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [55]
"13", -- [56]
"14", -- [57]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [58]
"fishing", -- [59]
"fishing", -- [60]
"fishing", -- [61]
"fishing", -- [62]
"fishing", -- [63]
"13", -- [64]
"14", -- [65]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [66]
"Travel Form", -- [67]
"Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)", -- [68]
"fishing", -- [69]
"fishing", -- [70]
"fishing", -- [71]
"fishing", -- [72]
"fishing", -- [73]
"fishing", -- [74]
"13", -- [75]
"14", -- [76]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [77]
"13", -- [78]
"14", -- [79]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [80]
"13", -- [81]
"14", -- [82]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [83]
"13", -- [84]
"14", -- [85]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [86]
"13", -- [87]
"14", -- [88]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [89]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [90]
"13", -- [91]
"14", -- [92]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [93]
"13", -- [94]
"14", -- [95]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [96]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [97]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [98]
"Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)", -- [99]
"[combat,talent", -- [100]
"5/2", -- [101]
"] Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)", -- [102]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [103]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [104]
"13", -- [105]
"14", -- [106]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [107]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [108]
"13", -- [109]
"14", -- [110]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [111]
"13", -- [112]
"14", -- [113]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [114]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [115]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [116]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [117]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [118]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [119]
"[combat,talent", -- [120]
"5/2", -- [121]
"] Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)", -- [122]
"Travel Form", -- [123]
"Travel Form", -- [124]
"Travel Form", -- [125]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [126]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [127]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [128]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [129]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [130]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [131]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [132]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [133]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [134]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [135]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [136]
"Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact)", -- [137]
["overflowPersonalMacros"] = false,
["requireTarget"] = false,
["AuthorColour"] = "|cFF00D1FF",
["autoCreateMacroStubsClass"] = true,
["DefaultDisabledMacroIcon"] = "Interface\Icons\INV_MISC_BOOK_08",
["use13"] = true,
["NormalColour"] = "|cFFFFFFFF",
["CONCAT"] = "|cffcc7777",
["ActiveSequenceVersions"] = {
["setDefaultIconQuestionMark"] = true,
["CreateGlobalButtons"] = false,
["KEYWORD"] = "|cff88bbdd",
GSELibrary = {
["HP_BladeFuryAE"] = {
["Help"] = "Talents: 2332333",
["Talents"] = "2,3,3,2,3,3,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["SpecID"] = 72,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast Dragon Roar", -- [1]
"/cast Odyn's Fury", -- [2]
"/cast Whirlwind", -- [3]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [combat] Battle Cry", -- [1]
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury", -- [2]
"/cast [combat] Avatar", -- [3]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Toxicdust",
["HP_BladeFuryBuilder"] = {
["Author"] = "Toxicdust",
["Talents"] = "2,3,3,2,3,3,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["SpecID"] = 72,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Furious Slash", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [combat] Battle Cry", -- [1]
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury", -- [2]
"/cast [combat] Avatar", -- [3]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Help"] = "Talents: 2332333",
["HP_BladeFuryDump"] = {
["Author"] = "Toxicdust",
["Talents"] = "2,3,3,2,3,3,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["SpecID"] = 72,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [combat] Dragon Roar", -- [1]
"/cast Rampage", -- [2]
"/cast Execute", -- [3]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [combat] Battle Cry", -- [1]
"/cast [combat] Blood Fury", -- [2]
"/cast [combat] Avatar", -- [3]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Help"] = "Talents: 2332333",
}, -- [1]
[11] = {
["HEAL"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331211",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence Rejuvenation, Swiftmend", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Regrowth", -- [2]
"/cast Swiftmend", -- [3]
["KeyRelease"] = {
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["KeyPress"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["PostMacro"] = {
}, -- [1]
["Help"] = "heals",
["VF_Feral_Resto"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331222",
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence Swiftmend, Rejuvenation", -- [1]
"/cast Regrowth", -- [2]
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyRelease"] = {
["PostMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/stopattack", -- [1]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 103,
["BAIL"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331211",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [combat]Dash;Travel Form", -- [1]
"/use [indoor] Cat Form", -- [2]
["KeyRelease"] = {
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
}, -- [1]
["Help"] = "Bail out....",
["STEALTH"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331222",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff88bbdd|cff88bbdd|cff55cc55[nostealth]|r |cff88bbddProwl|r|r; |cff88bbdd|cff55cc55[combat]|r |cff88bbddIncarnation: King of the Jungle|r|r|r", -- [1]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/stopcasting", -- [1]
"/stopattack", -- [2]
["StepFunction"] = "Sequential",
["KeyPress"] = {
"", -- [1]
["PreMacro"] = {
["PostMacro"] = {
}, -- [1]
["Help"] = "hiding",
["VF_Feral_ST"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331222",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["PVP"] = 2,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy", -- [1]
"/castsequence Rip, Rake, Shred, Shred, Shred", -- [2]
"/castsequence [nostealth] Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred", -- [3]
"/castsequence [combat] Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
"", -- [3]
"", -- [4]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy", -- [1]
"/castsequence Rip, Rake, Shred, Shred, Shred", -- [2]
"/castsequence [nostealth] Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred", -- [3]
"/castsequence [combat] Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
"", -- [3]
"", -- [4]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["Help"] = "pvp ready!",
["VF_Feral_MT"] = {
["Talents"] = "2331222",
["Default"] = 1,
["PVP"] = 2,
["Author"] = "Ripptorn@Illidan",
["SpecID"] = 103,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Thrash", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy", -- [3]
"/castsequence [combat] Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
"", -- [3]
"", -- [4]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe, Thrash", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy", -- [3]
"/castsequence [combat] Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
"", -- [3]
"", -- [4]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [2]
[7] = {
["HP_enhST"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,3,1,1,2",
["Help"] = "Talents are 3213112",
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast Stormstrike", -- [1]
"/cast Boulderfist", -- [2]
"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning", -- [3]
"/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand", -- [4]
"/cast [combat] Feral Spirit", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/cast [combat] Doom Winds", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Rocktris",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 263,
[3] = {
["HP_BM1"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,2,2,3,2,1",
["Help"] = "With Barrage - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Intimidation", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [4]
"/cast Barrage", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [8]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_lookdead"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "Look Dead - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Feign Death", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Play Dead", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_SBMmain"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,3,3,3",
["Help"] = "Solo main - Talent: 3212333",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Concussive Shot", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [8]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_BMburst"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "BMAoE - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Stampede", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Intimidation", -- [3]
"/cast Barrage", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [6]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_RBMAoE"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,3,3",
["Help"] = "Raiding AoE - Talent: 3212233",
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [7]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/startattack", -- [2]
"/petattack [@target,harm]", -- [3]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [4]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [5]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [6]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_SAoE"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "Raiding AoE - Talent: 3212233",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [7]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_Healpet"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "Pet Heal - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Revive Pet", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !mend pet", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Exhilaration", -- [3]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir-Ewing",
["HP_2RBMAoE"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "2nd Raiding AoE with Barrage- Talent: 3212223",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast Barrage", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Multi-Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [8]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_2RSBM"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "2nd Raiding Single without Barrage- Talent: 3212223",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Concussive Shot", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [8]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_RBMmain"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "Raiding main With Barrage- Talent: 3212223",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast Barrage", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Concussive Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [8]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [9]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_OShit"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,2,3",
["Help"] = "Oh Shit - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Turtle", -- [1]
"/cast [target=player, help] Spirit Mend", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Exhilaration", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] !mend pet", -- [4]
"/use Healing Tonic", -- [5]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
["HP_BM2"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,2,2,3,2,1",
["Help"] = "Without Barrage - Talent: 3222321",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Dire Frenzy", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Intimidation", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Cobra Shot", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Concussive Shot", -- [6]
"/cast [nochanneling] Titan's Thunder", -- [7]
"/cast [nochanneling] !Kill Command", -- [8]
"/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath", -- [9]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast Aspect of the Wild", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@pet,dead]Heart of the Phoenix", -- [1]
"/petautocastoff [group] Growl", -- [2]
"/petautocaston [nogroup] Growl", -- [3]
"/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 253,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Sir_Ewing",
[0] = {
["SAM_AFF"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,1,3,1,2,1,2",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 265,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Agony", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Corruption", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction", -- [3]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Siphon Life,Drain Soul,Drain Soul", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/startattack", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["SAM_Demon"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,2,2,1,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 266,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Doom,Demonic Empowerment,Demonwrath", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt", -- [3]
"/cast [nochanneling] Life Tap", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/startattack", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["SAM_AFF2"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,1,3,1,2,1,2",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 265,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Agony", -- [1]
"/cast [nochanneling] Corruption", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction", -- [3]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Siphon Life,Drain Soul,Drain Soul", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Phantom Singularity", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls", -- [6]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/startattack", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["SAM_druid_bala_st"] = {
["Talents"] = "3,3,3,3,1,3,2",
["Help"] = "CTRL Blessing of the Ancients, Shift Celestial Alignment, Alt Solar Beam",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence reset=target Sunfire,null", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=target Moonfire,null", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat]Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath", -- [3]
"/castsequence Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Starsurge", -- [4]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Moonfire", -- [5]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Starsurge,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath", -- [6]
"/castsequence [combat]Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Sunfire", -- [7]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Starsurge,Moonfire", -- [8]
"/castsequence [combat]Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike", -- [9]
"/cast Starsurge", -- [10]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [noform]!Moonkin Form", -- [2]
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Blessing of the Ancients", -- [3]
"/cast [mod:shift] Celestial Alignment", -- [4]
"/cast [mod:alt] Solar Beam", -- [5]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=target Sunfire,null", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=target Moonfire,null", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat]Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath", -- [3]
"/castsequence Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Starsurge", -- [4]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Moonfire", -- [5]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Starsurge,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath", -- [6]
"/castsequence [combat]Starsurge,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath,Sunfire", -- [7]
"/castsequence [combat]Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Starsurge,Moonfire", -- [8]
"/castsequence [combat]Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike", -- [9]
"/cast Starsurge", -- [10]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [noform]!Moonkin Form", -- [2]
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Blessing of the Ancients", -- [3]
"/cast [mod:shift] Celestial Alignment", -- [4]
"/cast [mod:alt] Solar Beam", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
}, -- [2]
["SpecID"] = 102,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "someone",
["SAM_Feral-ST"] = {
["Talents"] = "2,2,3,1,1,2,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Rake,Shred,Shred,Rake,Shred,Rip", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Shred,Rake,Shred,Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite", -- [2]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/cast Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Rake,Shred,Shred,Rake,Shred,Rip", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Shred,Rake,Shred,Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/cast Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
}, -- [2]
["SAM_Feral-AoE"] = {
["Talents"] = "2,2,3,1,1,2,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 103,
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Thrash,Swipe,Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Rip", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Swipe,Thrash,Ferocious Bite", -- [2]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/cast Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Thrash,Swipe,Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Rip", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat,nostealth] Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Swipe,Thrash,Ferocious Bite", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:2] Cat Form", -- [2]
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl", -- [3]
"/stopattack [stealth]", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/cast Tiger's Fury", -- [2]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
}, -- [2]
["SAM_DemoAoE"] = {
["Talents"] = "Talents: 1111222",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 266,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat] Call Dreadstalkers, Demonic Empowerment", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Summon Infernal, Demonic Empowerment", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Grimoire: Felguard, Demonic Empowerment", -- [3]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Hand of Gul'dan, Demonic Empowerment, Demonwrath, Demonwrath, Demonwrath, Life Tap", -- [4]
"/cast [combat] Command Demon", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard", -- [1]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [2]
"/petattack [@target,harm]", -- [3]
}, -- [1]
["Icon"] = "Spell_Warlock_HandofGul'dan",
["Author"] = "",
["SAM_Boomer"] = {
["Talents"] = "2,3,2,3,1,1,2",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 102,
["Author"] = "TimothyLuke",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast Moonfire", -- [1]
"/cast Sunfire", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath", -- [3]
"/cast Starsurge", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [noform]!Moonkin Form", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
"/cast Moonfire", -- [1]
"/cast Sunfire", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Lunar Strike,Solar Wrath,Solar Wrath", -- [3]
"/cast Starsurge", -- [4]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/use [noform]!Moonkin Form", -- [2]
}, -- [2]
["SAM_Destro"] = {
["Talents"] = "1,1,1,2,2,1,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 267,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [nochanneling] Conflagrate", -- [1]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Incinerate,Immolate,Incinerate,Immolate,Drain Life", -- [2]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/startattack", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["Author"] = "Jimmy",
["SAM_Bear"] = {
["Talents"] = "2,3,3,1,1,1,1",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 104,
["Author"] = "John Mets",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence reset=combat Thrash, Moonfire, Maul, Swipe", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=combat Savage Defense, Swipe, Swipe, Savage Defense ,Frenzied Regeneration, Ironfur", -- [2]
"/cast Survival Instincts", -- [3]
"/cast Thrash", -- [4]
"/castsequence reset=combat Swipe, Moonfire, Maul, Mangle, Ironfur", -- [5]
"/cast Pulverize", -- [6]
"/cast Incapacitating Roar", -- [7]
"/cast [combat] Barkskin", -- [8]
"/cast [combat] Mighty Bash", -- [9]
"/cast [combat] Berserk", -- [10]
"/castsequence Cenarion ward", -- [11]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:1] Bear Form", -- [2]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=combat Thrash, Moonfire, Maul, Swipe", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=combat Savage Defense, Swipe, Swipe, Savage Defense ,Frenzied Regeneration, Ironfur", -- [2]
"/cast Survival Instincts", -- [3]
"/cast Thrash", -- [4]
"/castsequence reset=combat Swipe, Moonfire, Maul, Mangle, Ironfur", -- [5]
"/cast Pulverize", -- [6]
"/cast Incapacitating Roar", -- [7]
"/cast [combat] Barkskin", -- [8]
"/cast [combat] Mighty Bash", -- [9]
"/cast [combat] Berserk", -- [10]
"/castsequence Cenarion ward", -- [11]
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [@player,nostance:1] Bear Form", -- [2]
}, -- [2]
["SAM_DemoSingle"] = {
["Talents"] = "1,1,1,1,2,2,2",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 266,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [combat] Call Dreadstalkers, Demonic Empowerment", -- [1]
"/castsequence [combat] Summon Doomguard, Demonic Empowerment", -- [2]
"/castsequence [combat] Grimoire: Felguard, Demonic Empowerment", -- [3]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Doom, Demonbolt, Demonbolt, Demonbolt, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonic Empowerment, Life Tap", -- [4]
"/cast [combat] Command Demon", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/startattack", -- [1]
"/petattack", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [nopet] Summon Felguard", -- [1]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [2]
"/petattack [@target,harm]", -- [3]
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Icon"] = "Spell_Warlock_Demonbolt",
["Author"] = "",
["Talents"] = "2,1,1,3,1,1,2",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 105,
["Author"] = "KTN",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [@Focus] reset=15/combat Lifebloom, Regrowth, Rejuvenation", -- [1]
"/cast [@Focus] Cenarion Ward", -- [2]
"/castsequence reset=target [@mouseOver,exists,help,nodead] Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Swiftmend", -- [3]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast [@Focus]Ironbark", -- [1]
"/cast [@player]Barkskin", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@Focus,dead] Rebirth", -- [1]
}, -- [1]
"/castsequence [@Focus] reset=15/combat Lifebloom, Regrowth, Rejuvenation", -- [1]
"/cast [@Focus] Cenarion Ward", -- [2]
"/castsequence reset=target [@mouseOver,exists,help,nodead] Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Swiftmend", -- [3]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/cast [@Focus]Ironbark", -- [1]
"/cast [@player]Barkskin", -- [2]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [@Focus,dead] Rebirth", -- [1]
}, -- [2]
[9] = {
["HP_EX_Demo"] = {
["Helplink"] = "",
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,1,2,3,2",
["Help"] = "Single Target - This macro tries to hit the targets every Demonologist should be aiming for: Soul Shard generation for maximum Wild Imps uptime, DreadStalkers on CD, and plenty of Demonic Empowerment.",
["Author"] = "EnixLHQ",
["SpecID"] = 266,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Demonbolt, Call Dreadstalkers, Demonic Empowerment, Life Tap", -- [1]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Demonbolt, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonic Empowerment", -- [2]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Summon Doomguard, Demonic Empowerment", -- [3]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Demonbolt, Hand of Gul'dan, Thal'kiel's Consumption", -- [4]
"/cast [nochanneling] Command Demon", -- [5]
"/cast [nochanneling] Demonbolt", -- [6]
["KeyRelease"] = {
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Felguard", -- [2]
"/use [mod:alt] Drain Life", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=target Doom, null", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Default"] = 1,
["HP_EX_DemoAoE"] = {
["Helplink"] = "",
["Talents"] = "3,2,1,1,2,3,2",
["Help"] = "AOE - This macro tries to hit the targets every Demonologist should be aiming for: Soul Shard generation for maximum Wild Imps uptime, DreadStalkers on CD, and plenty of Demonic Empowerment.",
["Author"] = "EnixLHQ",
["SpecID"] = 266,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Demonwrath, Hand of Gul'dan, Demonic Empowerment, Demonwrath", -- [1]
"/castsequence [nochanneling] Call Dreadstalkers, Demonic Empowerment, Life Tap", -- [2]
"/cast [nochanneling] Command Demon", -- [3]
["KeyRelease"] = {
["PostMacro"] = {
["PreMacro"] = {
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Felguard", -- [2]
"/use [mod:alt] Drain Life", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=target Doom, null", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Default"] = 1,
[6] = {
["HP_AOEDF"] = {
["Helplink"] = "",
["Talents"] = "2,2,3,3,2,1,3",
["Author"] = "John Metz",
["Help"] = "Frost AoE",
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 251,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast !Frost Strike", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=combat Frostscythe, Frost Strike, Howling Blast", -- [2]
"/castsequence reset=combat Obliterate, Frost Strike, Frost Strike, Frostscythe, Howling Blast", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=combat Glacial Advance", -- [4]
"/cast [combat] Remorseless Winter", -- [5]
"/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon", -- [6]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost", -- [1]
}, -- [1]
["HP_DFST"] = {
["Helplink"] = "",
["Talents"] = "2,2,3,3,2,1,3",
["Author"] = "John Metz",
["Help"] = "Frost Single Target",
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["Default"] = 1,
["SpecID"] = 251,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast !Frost Strike", -- [1]
"/castsequence reset=combat Obliterate, Frost Strike, Howling Blast", -- [2]
"/castsequence reset=combat Frostscythe, Frost Strike, Frost Strike, Obliterate, Howling Blast", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=combat Glacial Advance", -- [4]
"/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon", -- [5]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost", -- [1]
}, -- [1]
["HP_EX_Unholy"] = {
["Helplinlk"] = "",
["Talents"] = "1,2,1,?,?,3,3",
["Default"] = 1,
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast Apocalypse", -- [1]
"/cast Scourge Strike", -- [2]
"/castsequence Dark Transformation, Outbreak", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=target Festering Strike, Festering Strike", -- [4]
"/castsequence reset=target Festering Strike, Festering Strike, Soul Reaper, Outbreak", -- [5]
"/cast Summon Gargoyle", -- [6]
"/cast Death Coil", -- [7]
"/cast Scourge Strike", -- [8]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
"/cast [nopet,nomod] Raise Dead", -- [2]
"/use [mod:alt] Death Strike", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=combat Outbreak, Festering Strike, Festering Strike, null", -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 252,
["Author"] = "EnixLHQ",
["Help"] = "Run at 80ms",
["HP_SquishyDK"] = {
["Talents"] = "2,1,1,2,1,3,3",
["Help"] = "Talents: 2112133",
["StepFunction"] = "Priority",
["MacroVersions"] = {
"/cast [combat] Consumption", -- [1]
"/cast [combat] Blood Boil", -- [2]
"/cast Death Strike", -- [3]
"/castsequence reset=combat Marrowrend, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Marrowrend", -- [4]
"/castsequence reset=combat Death's Caress, null", -- [5]
"/castsequence reset=combat Marrowrend, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Heart Strike, Marrowrend", -- [6]
"/cast Death Strike", -- [7]
["KeyRelease"] = {
"/TargetEnemy [noharm][dead]", -- [1]
["KeyPress"] = {
"/Cast [combat] Dancing Rune Weapon", -- [1]
"/cancelaura Wraith Walk", -- [2]
}, -- [1]
["SpecID"] = 250,
["Default"] = 1,
["Author"] = "Suiseiseki",
added '/use' slot macros, and some target macros because the conditional checkmarks don't seem to save when editing or creating macros.
(on a diff note) something with targeting conditionals... i have a simple macro called "TARGET" ...
"/targetenemy" ver.2 as "/targetenemyplayer"... but macro doesnt work written inside GS. want to have ONE button that targets nearest enemy while regular play, and the same button switch to target nearest enemy player during pvp.. as it is i have 2 buttons that i switch... most my macroes would become easy pvp macros if they had a targetenemyplayer conditional.
I;ve fixed couple of other bugs and then went back to this. What I can see happening is that macro working but the Icon not updating. I have been using VF_Feral_MT as the test case. I've been using a 92 druid. i've tried to use /gs debug
to obtain an output but not getting anything as the Macro icon is not updating.
DIgging through further this is related to the Menu bug that other people are getting
I made some code changes but the icon not updating is actually the macro itself. If you compare my version 1 with your version 2 you will see the difference.
Sequences['VF_Feral_ST'] = {
Talents = "2331222",
Help = "pvp ready!",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form",
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl",
"/stopattack [stealth]",
"/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/castsequence Rip, Rake, Shred, Shred, Shred",
"/cast [nostealth] Shred",
"/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/cast Tiger's Fury",
[2] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]",
"/use [nostance:2] Cat Form",
"/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl",
"/stopattack [stealth]",
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
"/castsequence Rip, Rake, Shred, Shred, Shred",
"/castsequence [nostealth] Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred",
"/castsequence [combat] Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury",
"/castsequence [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger's Fury, Tiger's Fury",