GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


2.0.8: Enhance Shaman macro will not cast Feral Spirit

Bendder opened this issue · 10 comments


Using the following macro:
Sequences['Rot'] = { Author="Kreitani", SpecID=263, Talents = "2,2,1,2,2,2,2", Help = "ST - 2212222 ", Default=1, Icon='Spell_Shaman_ImprovedStormstrike', MacroVersions = { [1] = { StepFunction = [[Sequential]], KeyPress={ "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]", "/cast [combat] Doom Winds", "/cast [combat] Flametongue", }, PreMacro={ }, "/castsequence reset=/target Flametongue, Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Rockbiter", "/cast Feral Spirit", PostMacro={ }, KeyRelease={ }, }, }, }

.100 ms spamming of the macro freezes when it gets to Feral Spirit. I can't get it to fire no matter where I place the cast (I've had it in the KeyPress, PreMacro, PostMacro, and KeyRelease)


Hi Tim,

Here's the debug output.. Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Rot1,2,Feral Spirit,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.

Totally skips the cast sequence and gets stuck on Feral Spirit.


I've modified the Keypress portion to be:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Doom Winds
/cast [combat] Flametongue
/cast Feral Spirit

If Doom Winds is off cooldown, then everything fires as it should. If Doom Winds is on cooldown when combat starts, then the other 2 don't fire. It's only an issue for trash pulls so I'm not overly worried about that (but would like to know why this happens).

In the main sequence though I had to break up the castsequence into multiple /cast's of Rockbiter and even then I don't get Crash Lightning to cast normally. I've got:

/cast Rockbiter
/cast Rockbiter
/cast Rockbiter
/cast Crash Lightning


KeyPress works in a fallthrough method. One of the limitations is that once if finds something on cooldown it stops.

for the first click of your macro it looks like

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Doom Winds  
/cast [combat] Flametongue  <-- GCD Ability Blocks everything after this.
/cast Feral Spirit
/cast Rockbiter

If any of those lines is on cooldown or are a GCD action it will stop there. You may need to move Flametongue to the normal part of your macro.


Thanks for the clarification.. Makes total sense now..

Why though won't the /castsequence fire in the main sequence portion of the macro. Is it the same thing causing it to not sequence through the casts (IE: Flametongue is on cooldown, so the rockbiters don't fire off at all?)


I'm not sure - I think its related to #174


I can add on to this, there is something going on with castsequences and priority macro's in v2.0.9. I'm adding some info here since it seems the most closely related open issue. Castsequence lines are being processed, but not being shown in gs-debug. This is true for both keypress and main sequence sections. Here is a gs-debug for a macro with a single /cast line and 2 /castsequence lines:

Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Full Moon
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Full Moon
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Full Moon
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Full Moon
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Full Moon
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST,1,New Moon,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath

Here is the macro main sequence:
'/cast New Moon',
'/castsequence reset=combat Starsurge, Starsurge, Sunfire',
'/castsequence reset=target Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, Solar Wrath, Lunar Strike, Moonfire',

There is another issue I noticed, which may or may not be related, which is that priority macros seem to be not working properly. I noticed this when testing the above issue, and recreated using a simple two line macro with the setting of priority:
'/cast Solar Wrath',
'/cast Sunfire',

In theory, this should never get past Solar Wrath as it has no CD. Worst case, I would expect occasional fall through's to Sunfire. Here is what happens instead:

Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.


after 2.0.10 later today - could you check this out again? There were changes in #174 that are part of that release that should resolve this.


I upgraded to 2.0.10 and I still see the same behavior. I tested two macro's, one with conditionals and one without. In both cases, the priority sequence doesn't seem to be functioning. Instead, the gs debug seems to show sequential, but the combat log actually seems like it is weighted to execute items towards the bottom of a macro more often that lines higher up (almost reverse priority, but not quite). It seems to happen on multiple specs, as I have observed this testing on Balance druid, Frost Mage, and Aff lock.

Below is the output for a balance druid with the simple macro of:
/cast Solar Wrath
/cast Solar Wrath
/cast Solar Wrath
/cast Solar Wrath
/cast Sunfire

What happens in game is that you get 4 wraths, then it seems to just alternate between one wrath and one sunfire. Here is the debug output:

Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,5,Sunfire,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,1,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,2,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,3,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
Balance_ST3,4,Solar Wrath,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Casting Solar Wrath