GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Include GSE Version Number in Macro Export

Sethadon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi Tim,

Sorry to bother you again, I was just wondering if you could append the Addon Version Number to the information that gets exported when using that feature of the addon. Then, when someone tries to import that code, warn them if their version doesn't match exactly.

REASON FOR REQUEST: I posted a macro on the WoWLazyMacros website back when this was 2.0.0, and didn't get nearly as many import problems concerns as I am getting now. I updated to v2.0.7 a little while back, and noticed people using v2.0.9 were having problems that I was unable to recreate. It would be beneficial to get everyone using the same version for troubleshooting purposes, and i think this could help in that. Unless, of course you have a better idea.

Thanks again. And great work!



Irony: versions 2.0.1-2.0.10 are fixes for problems that I didn't experience.


I've added a comment that has the version exported as.