GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Add Modifier options to reset a macro

TimothyLuke opened this issue · 2 comments


Target=true used to be able to reset a macro. Now need to use a mod combination. This is the follow on from #235 and #231 Available options are

  • IsRightAltKeyDown(), IsLeftAltKeyDown(), IsAltKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
  • IsRightControlKeyDown(), IsLeftControlKeyDown(), IsControlKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
  • IsRightShiftKeyDown(), IsLeftShiftKeyDown(), IsShiftKeyDown() : return 1 if the relevant key is held down.
  • IsModifierKeyDown() : returns 1 if any alt, control or shift key is held down.
  • IsModifiedClick(“modifierType”) : returns 1 if the associated modifier is held down.
  • GetMouseButtonClicked() : returns the mouse button responsible for the hardware click.

Ok with the coded added and the menu option turned on, I can see the button pressed if I use the following macro:

/click [button:2] SAM_Ret RightButton ; [button:3] SAM_Ret MiddleButton; [button:4] SAM_Ret Button4;[button:5] SAM_Ret Button5; SAM_Ret

Image of New Options