GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


macros abruptly stop working with no warning..

VFBAVFBA001 opened this issue · 3 comments


macro works great during pvp... during dungeun grinds... then POOF all a sudden macros STOP working during boss fights. I have UPDATED, completely removed old gse.lua from my WTF folder to make sure it has a fresh start.. but still breaks on boss fights, and theres no way to know if it going to do this until your on a boss fight... (there are no target conditionals anywhere btw)

this is happening at the worse times...and it making me reconsider using this old loved addon.. maybe your trying to do too much? cant you just keep it simple? essentially im considering just using long macros, and macro toolkit because i just want my macros to work.. and stay working.


You do great work Tim, keep it up. Sticking with GSE, there is really no comparison. I think you fixed the problem on this last update