GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Keep getting Lua errors am I doing something wrong?

Malwarebites opened this issue · 2 comments


Everytime I try to use the addon It spams me with a box that says lua error

Message: Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:397: Call failed: Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted
Time: 02/05/17 12:39:54
Count: 8
Stack: [C]: ?
Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:397: in function <Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:390>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:490: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:468>
[C]: in function SetAttribute' Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:673: in function <Interface\FrameXML\SecureHandlers.lua:659> (tail call): ? Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua:525: in function OOCUpdateSequence'
Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua:247: in function `?'
...terface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:53: in function <...terface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>

Locals: (*temporary) = "Call failed: Interface\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua:124: Direct table creation is not permitted"

I don't know why its doing this and I have every other addon disabled.


Deleting the lua files seemed to fix all the errors I was getting.