GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


GSE macro's stopped working

Th3MadHatter opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Getting error messages since the latest update and it doesn't seem to cast anything anymore except for shapeshifting using Moonkin-MT (from the druid pack I assume).

Error I get when loading wow is the following

First page

Date: 2017-02-08 18:13:17
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua line 1058:
   bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
   [C]: pairs()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:1058: GetMacroResetImplementation()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:1078: PrepareOnClickImplementation()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:553: OOCUpdateSequence()
   GSE\API\Events.lua:281: ?()
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
 = <function> defined =[C]:-1

  Swatter, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  NPCScanOverlay, v7.1.0.1
  AccountantClassic, v2.08.10
  AchievementsReminder, v
  AckisRecipeList, v7.1.5.2
  ACP, v3.4.30 
  AdiBags, vv1.9.4
  AdiBagsArmourType, vv1.0
  AdiBagsHearthstones, v7.1-release5
  AdiBagsLegionFilters, vv1.4.2
  Ailo, v
  Altoholic, vr177
  AngryKeystones, v
  Archy, v7.1.0.8
  ArekosGratz, v0.4.4
  Armory, vv14.1.0
  ArmoryGuildBank, vv14.1.0
  ArtifactButton, v3.0
  ArtifactPowerUser, v2.2
  ArtifactProgressionPath, vr22
  ArtifactTracker, v0.1
  Atlas, v1.37.03
  AtlasArena, v1.06.03
  AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.35.01
  AtlasBurningCrusade, v1.36.00
  AtlasCataclysm, v1.36.00
  AtlasClassicWoW, v1.36.00
  AtlasClassOrderHalls, v1.37.00
  AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.35.00
  AtlasLegion, v1.37.01
  AtlasMistsofPandaria, v1.37.00
  AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.37.00
  AtlasScenarios, v1.35.00
  AtlasTransportation, v1.37.01
  AtlasWarlordsofDraenor, v1.37.00
  AtlasWorldEvents, v3.17
  AtlasWrathoftheLichKing, v1.36.00
  AtlasLoot, vv8.01.09
  AtlasMajorCitiesEnhanced, vv1.12
  AtlasQuest, v4.10.22
  AucAdvanced, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterBasic, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucFilterOutlier, v7.3a.5701.5459(7.3a/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v7.3a.5701.5585(7.3a/embedded)
  AucScanData, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatHistogram, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatiLevel, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatPurchased, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatSales, v7.3a.5701.5598(7.3a/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatStdDev, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v7.3a.5701.5613(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v7.3a.5701.5575(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v7.3a.5701.5666(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v7.3a.5701.5599(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v7.3a.5701.5686(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v7.3a.5701.5694(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v7.3a.5701.5576(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v7.3a.5701.5651(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v7.3a.5701.5633(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v7.3a.5701.5631(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v7.3a.5701.5588(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v7.3a.5701.4979(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v7.3a.5701.5347(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v7.3a.5701.5672(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v7.3a.5701.5654(7.3a/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v7.3a.5701.4828(7.3a/embedded)
  AuctionSold, vwho cares
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BadBoy, vv7.1.127
  BadBoyCCleaner, vv7.1.1
  BadPet, vv1.0.7
  BagBrother, v
  Bazooka, vv2.8.0
  BeanCounter, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  BestInSlot, vr431
  BestInSlotLegion, vr431
  BestInSlotLegionDungeons, vr431
  BrokerGarrison, v2.0.8.1
  BrokerSpecializations, v1.1.8
  BrokerWorldQuests, v7.1.30
  CallbackHandler10, v
  CanIMogIt, v7.1.0.04
  Chocobo, vv4.7.1
  Clique, vv70100-1.1.0
  CollectMe, v2.9.2
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
  CraftBuster, v1.1.4a
  DataStore, vr61
  DataStoreAchievements, vr44
  DataStoreAgenda, vr24
  DataStoreAuctions, vr46
  DataStoreCharacters, vr37
  DataStoreContainers, vr54
  DataStoreCrafts, vr75
  DataStoreCurrencies, vr33
  DataStoreGarrisons, vr19
  DataStoreInventory, vr47
  DataStoreMails, vr47
  DataStorePets, vr40
  DataStoreQuests, vr39
  DataStoreReputations, vr38
  DataStoreSpells, vr28
  DataStoreStats, vr27
  DataStoreTalents, vr57
  DBMCore, v7.1.13
  DBMDefaultSkin, v
  DBMSpellTimers, v
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  DejaCharacterStats, v715r100
  Details, v
  DetailsChartViewer, v
  DetailsDeathGraphs, v
  DetailsDmgRank, v
  DetailsDpsTuning, v
  DetailsEncounterDetails, v
  DetailsRaidCheck, v
  DetailsRaidInfoEmeraldNightmare, v
  DetailsRaidInfoNighthold, v
  DetailsRaidInfoTrialOfValor, v
  DetailsRaidPowerBars, v
  DetailsTargetCaller, v
  DetailsTimeAttack, v
  DetailsTimeLine, v
  DetailsTinyThreat, v
  DetailsVanguard, v
  Dominos, v7.2.0
  DominosActionSets, v
  DominosCast, v
  DominosConfig, v
  DominosEncounter, v
  DominosProgress, v
  DominosRoll, v
  Elephant, vr296
  FakeAchievement, vv1.0.1.3
  FakeItemLinks, v
  FBOutfitDisplayFrame, v1.7.12
  FBTrackingFrame, v1.7.11
  FishingBuddy, v1.7.12g Beta 5
  FollowerLocationInfo, v0.12-release2
  FollowerLocationInfoData, v0.9-release
  FollowerLocationInfoJournal, v0.12-release2
  GarrisonMissionManager, vv55
  GatherMate2, v1.39
  GatherMateSharing, vv1.10
  GenderTooltip, v2.1.1
  GoH, v7.1.006 Beta
  GoHDeathKnight, v7.1.006 Beta
  GoHDRUID, v7.0.002 Beta
  GottaGoFast, v26100
  GottaGoFastHistory, v26100
  GroupCalendar5, v5.8.5
  GroupfinderFlags, v0.4a
  GSHighPerformanceMacros, vv2.0
  GSE, v2100s
  GTFO, v4.42.5
  HandyNotes, vv1.4.12
  HandyNotesAchievements, v0.4.19
  HandyNotesAzerothsTopTunes, vv1.2.1
  HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.20a
  HandyNotesDungeonLocations, v1.11
  HandyNotesFieldPhotographer, v7.1.0.0
  HandyNotesGuild, v1.9
  HandyNotesHigherDimensionalLearning, v1
  HandyNotesHigherLearning, v7.1.0.0
  HandyNotesLegionRaresTreasures, v1.01b
  HandyNotesLegionTreasures, v1
  HandyNotesLorewalkers, v1
  HandyNotesLostAndFound, v1
  HandyNotesPandariaTreasures, v1.06
  HandyNotesSuramarLeylines, v1
  HandyNotesSuramarTelemancy, v1
  HandyNotesTimelessIsleRareElites, v2.32
  HandyNotesTimelessIsleChests, v1.16
  HandyNotesTimelessTreasures, v1.0.7
  HandyNotesWellRead, v7.1.0.0
  HardYards, v2.08
  HearKitty, v1.7.6
  HearKittySoundPacks, vVolume 2f
  HiddenArtifactTracker, v
  Informant, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  InspectorGadgetzan, v7.1.0.1
  InstancePortals, v8
  ItemRack, v
  Keyed, v1.5.0
  LagBar, v3.6
  LeatrixPlus, v7.1.30
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.423(/embedded)
  LibPetJournal20, v
  LibWindow11, v1.1.15
  Linkepedia, v1.5.0
  LinkWrangler, v1.97
  LinkWranglerAuctioneer, v1.64
  LoreLibrary, v7.0.04
  MacroToolkit, vv7.1.0.0
  MacroToolkitIcons, v7.1.0.0
  MBB, v
  MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.147
  Misspelled, v1.6.3
  MobInfo2, v7.1.0.001
  ModelPique, v7.1.0.0 Release
  Moonspirit, v1.0
  MoveAnything, v16.1.4
  NomiCakes, v7.1.5.1
  NPCScan, v7.1.0.5
  Oilvl, v6.4.15
  Omen, v3.1.12
  OmniCC, v7.1.1
  OPie, vUmber 6
  Overachiever, v0.99.4
  Paste, v1.4.10
  Pawn, v2.1.15
  PetBattleFFVictory, vv1.2.3
  PokemonLvl, v1.0
  PokemonTrainer, v7.1.0
  Postal, vv3.5.8
  Prat30, vr1054      
  Prat30Libraries, v
  premadefilter, v2.0.6
  RaidAchievement, v
  RaidAchievementOldModules, v
  RaidSlackCheck, v1.49
  Rarity, v1.0
  RarityOptions, v
  RelicHelper, v
  RelicInspector, v1.11.4
  RelicQuestReward, v2.0
  Rematch, v4.6.1
  ReputationBars, v7.1.0
  Routes, vv1.5.6
  RSA, v3.2752
  RSADruid, v
  RSAReminders, v
  SayAnnouncer, v1.008
  ServerHop, v5.0.2
  SexyMap, vv7.1.1
  SharedMedia, v3.0.7-188
  SimpleILevel, v3.3.10
  SimpleILevelGroup, v3.3.10
  SimpleILevelResilience, v3.3.10
  SimpleILevelSocial, v3.3.10
  SlideBar, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  StatPriority, v1.1.5
  StatWeightScore, v7.5.1
  Storyline, v2.0.2 beta 1
  Stubby, v7.3a.5701 (TasmanianThylacine)
  SubSpec, v2.1.5.0
  TheUndermineJournal, v4.7.20170207
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.405(/embedded)
  TokenSplainer, vr04
  TomTom, vv70100-1.0.0
  TooltipSpec, v1.0.0
  TransmogCleanup, v
  TransmogRoulette, v7.1.0.2
  TransmogTokens, v1.4.5
  tullaRange, v7.1.1
  tullaRangeConfig, v
  UnlimitedChatMessage, v1.9.8
  WIM, vr524
  WIMElvui2, v2.0.0
  WorldBossStatus, v5.4.2
  WorldQuester, v
  WorldQuestGroupFinder, v0.21.2
  WorldQuestTips, v1.25(7.1.0)
  WorldQuestTracker, v
  WoWHeadLinker, v1.4.2
  YouGotMail, v7.0.1.005
  ZPerl, v5.1.4
  ZPerlArcaneBar, v
  ZPerlParty, v
  ZPerlPartyPet, v
  ZPerlPlayer, v
  ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v
  ZPerlPlayerPet, v
  ZPerlRaidAdmin, v
  ZPerlRaidFrames, v
  ZPerlRaidHelper, v
  ZPerlRaidPets, v
  ZPerlTarget, v
  ZPerlTargetTarget, v
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.1.5.70100 <none>

Second page

Date: 2017-02-08 18:17:06
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 144
Message: ..\AddOns\GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua line 46:
   bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)
   [C]: gsub()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:46: UnEscapeString()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:34: UnEscapeTable()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:8: UnEscapeSequence()
   GSE\API\Events.lua:111: ?()
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4
   [C]: ?
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:13: ?()
   ...dler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90: Fire()

I left out the addons on the second one because its just a long list. I didn't change or add any other addons since yesterday and it worked fine then.
If I try to run the standard Balance Druid Moonkin-MT macro now it DOES shapeshift me, after that is just does nothing no matter how many times I click it.

Great addon, works very well on lazy days ๐Ÿ˜œ


Tried to install it Ace3 instead of relying on the library in other modules, same kind of errors

Date: 2017-02-08 18:40:10
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua line 1058:
   bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
   [C]: pairs()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:1058: GetMacroResetImplementation()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:1078: PrepareOnClickImplementation()
   GSE\API\Storage.lua:553: OOCUpdateSequence()
   GSE\API\Events.lua:281: ?()
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
 = <function> defined =[C]:-1

second page

Date: 2017-02-08 19:39:41
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 144
Message: ..\AddOns\GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua line 46:
   bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)
   [C]: gsub()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:46: UnEscapeString()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:34: UnEscapeTable()
   GSE\API\StringFunctions.lua:8: UnEscapeSequence()
   GSE\API\Events.lua:111: ?()
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4:
      [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:4
   [C]: ?
   [string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:13: ?()
   ...dler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90: Fire()

You have a corrupt macro in your GSE.lua file in the WTF directory. You need to exit the game completely but this is what you are looking for in the file:


But I only have default macro's from the packs :(

GSEOptions = {
	["use2"] = false,
	["STANDARDFUNCS"] = "|cff55ddcc",
	["COMMENT"] = "|cff55cc55",
	["use14"] = true,
	["EQUALS"] = "|cffccddee",
	["use11"] = false,
	["sendDebugOutputToChatWindow"] = false,
	["debug"] = false,
	["use6"] = false,
	["CommandColour"] = "|cFF00FF00",
	["UNKNOWN"] = "|cffff6666",
	["sendDebugOutputToDebugOutput"] = false,
	["hideSoundErrors"] = false,
	["KEYWORD"] = "|cff88bbdd",
	["autoCreateMacroStubsGlobal"] = false,
	["STRING"] = "|cff888888",
	["clearUIErrors"] = false,
	["AddInPacks"] = {
		["Legacy GSE 1"] = {
			["Name"] = "Legacy GSE 1",
			["Version"] = "v1",
			["SequenceNames"] = {
				"VengeanceFelBomb", -- [1]
				"ProtSingle", -- [2]
				"GuardianTanking", -- [3]
				"BmMulti", -- [4]
				"FireRotation", -- [5]
				"MM_ST_MT", -- [6]
				"Restoration_Tank", -- [7]
				"BM_MT", -- [8]
				"HavocMulti", -- [9]
				"RetMulti", -- [10]
				"UnholyApocalypse", -- [11]
				"BloodHeart", -- [12]
				"BmSingle", -- [13]
				"Guardian_MT", -- [14]
				"Eyebeam", -- [15]
				"Survival_ST", -- [16]
				"Moonkin_ST", -- [17]
				"FurySingle", -- [18]
				"VengeanceRotation", -- [19]
				"MM_ST", -- [20]
				"MM_MT", -- [21]
				"BloodShield", -- [22]
				"BM_ST_MT_Solo", -- [23]
				"UnholyRotation", -- [24]
				"HavocSingle", -- [25]
				"FrostDKMulti", -- [26]
				"FuryMulti", -- [27]
				"GuardianDamage", -- [28]
				"MmRotation", -- [29]
				"WwMulti", -- [30]
				"FrostDKSingle", -- [31]
				"SvMulti", -- [32]
				"BM_ST", -- [33]
				"Survival_MT", -- [34]
				"MM_ST_MT_ALT", -- [35]
				"MM_ST_MT_Solo", -- [36]
				"SvSingle", -- [37]
				"MmNineties", -- [38]
				"Restoration_Group", -- [39]
				"RetSingle", -- [40]
				"EnhRotation", -- [41]
				"Feral-ST", -- [42]
				"BrewRotation", -- [43]
				"ProtRotation", -- [44]
				"WwSingle", -- [45]
				"ArmsSingle", -- [46]
				"Guardian_ST", -- [47]
				"ArmsMulti", -- [48]
				"BmNineties", -- [49]
				"Moonkin_MT", -- [50]
				"FuryHundreds", -- [51]
				"ProtMulti", -- [52]
				"Feral-MT", -- [53]
		["Samples"] = {
			["Name"] = "Samples",
			["Version"] = "204",
			["SequenceNames"] = {
				"SAM_ProtWar", -- [1]
				"SAM_Fury1", -- [2]
				"SAM_Arms_ST", -- [3]
				"SAM_Arms_AOE", -- [4]
				"SAM_FuryAOE", -- [5]
				"SAM_RetAOE", -- [6]
				"SAM_HolyDeeps", -- [7]
				"SAM_Prot_AOE", -- [8]
				"SAM_RetRef", -- [9]
				"SAM_Prot_ST", -- [10]
				"SAM_Ret", -- [11]
				"SAM_Palla_Sera", -- [12]
				"SAM_BMaoe", -- [13]
				"SAM_BMsingle", -- [14]
				"SAM_SURVST", -- [15]
				"SAM_SURVAOE", -- [16]
				"SAM_Marks_AOE", -- [17]
				"SAM_Mm_ST", -- [18]
				"SAM_CalliynOutlaw", -- [19]
				"SAM_Assassin", -- [20]
				"SAM_Subtle", -- [21]
				"SAM_Disc-THeal", -- [22]
				"SAM_HolyPriesty", -- [23]
				"SAM_KTN_MouseOver", -- [24]
				"SAM_Disc-THealAoe", -- [25]
				"SAM_Disc-TDPS", -- [26]
				"SAM_ShadowPriest", -- [27]
				"SAM_FDK2", -- [28]
				"SAM_BloodDK", -- [29]
				"SAM_DKunholy", -- [30]
				"SAM_ElemAoE", -- [31]
				"SAM_MC_Chain", -- [32]
				"SAM_RestoDeeps", -- [33]
				"SAM_enhsingle", -- [34]
				"SAM_Elem", -- [35]
				"SAM_MC_Surge", -- [36]
				"SAM_MC_Wave", -- [37]
				"SAM_Fire", -- [38]
				"SAM_Arcane", -- [39]
				"SAM_Ichthys_Frosty", -- [40]
				"SAM_AFF", -- [41]
				"SAM_DemoAoE", -- [42]
				"SAM_Demon", -- [43]
				"SAM_Destro", -- [44]
				"SAM_DemoSingle", -- [45]
				"SAM_AFF2", -- [46]
				"SAM_BrewMaster_AoE", -- [47]
				"SAM_WW", -- [48]
				"SAM_BrewMaster_ST", -- [49]
				"SAM_winsingle", -- [50]
				"SAM_Feral-AoE", -- [51]
				"SAM_Boomer", -- [52]
				"SAM_KTNDRUHEALS", -- [53]
				"SAM_Bear", -- [54]
				"SAM_Feral-ST", -- [55]
				"SAM_druid_bala_st", -- [56]
				"SAM_DHHavoc", -- [57]
				"SAM_Vengeance", -- [58]
		["GS-HighPerformanceMacros"] = {
			["Name"] = "GS-HighPerformanceMacros",
			["Version"] = "v2.0",
			["SequenceNames"] = {
				"HP_SBMmain", -- [1]
				"HP_RBMAoE", -- [2]
				"HP_AOEDF", -- [3]
				"HP_2RBMAoE", -- [4]
				"HP_SquishyDK", -- [5]
				"HP_RBMmain", -- [6]
				"HP_BM2", -- [7]
				"HP_BladeFuryAE", -- [8]
				"HP_BM1", -- [9]
				"HP_lookdead", -- [10]
				"HP_enhST", -- [11]
				"HP_BMburst", -- [12]
				"HP_BladeFuryBuilder", -- [13]
				"HP_EX_DemoAoE", -- [14]
				"HP_SAoE", -- [15]
				"HP_Healpet", -- [16]
				"HP_DFST", -- [17]
				"HP_BladeFuryDump", -- [18]
				"HP_EX_Demo", -- [19]
				"HP_2RSBM", -- [20]
				"HP_EX_Unholy", -- [21]
				"HP_OShit", -- [22]

The fault is in one of these:

	["Legacy GSE 1"] = {
		["Name"] = "Legacy GSE 1",
		["Version"] = "v1",
		["SequenceNames"] = {
			"VengeanceFelBomb", -- [1]
			"ProtSingle", -- [2]
			"GuardianTanking", -- [3]
			"BmMulti", -- [4]
			"FireRotation", -- [5]
			"MM_ST_MT", -- [6]
			"Restoration_Tank", -- [7]
			"BM_MT", -- [8]
			"HavocMulti", -- [9]
			"RetMulti", -- [10]
			"UnholyApocalypse", -- [11]
			"BloodHeart", -- [12]
			"BmSingle", -- [13]
			"Guardian_MT", -- [14]
			"Eyebeam", -- [15]
			"Survival_ST", -- [16]
			"Moonkin_ST", -- [17]
			"FurySingle", -- [18]
			"VengeanceRotation", -- [19]
			"MM_ST", -- [20]
			"MM_MT", -- [21]
			"BloodShield", -- [22]
			"BM_ST_MT_Solo", -- [23]
			"UnholyRotation", -- [24]
			"HavocSingle", -- [25]
			"FrostDKMulti", -- [26]
			"FuryMulti", -- [27]
			"GuardianDamage", -- [28]
			"MmRotation", -- [29]
			"WwMulti", -- [30]
			"FrostDKSingle", -- [31]
			"SvMulti", -- [32]
			"BM_ST", -- [33]
			"Survival_MT", -- [34]
			"MM_ST_MT_ALT", -- [35]
			"MM_ST_MT_Solo", -- [36]
			"SvSingle", -- [37]
			"MmNineties", -- [38]
			"Restoration_Group", -- [39]
			"RetSingle", -- [40]
			"EnhRotation", -- [41]
			"Feral-ST", -- [42]
			"BrewRotation", -- [43]
			"ProtRotation", -- [44]
			"WwSingle", -- [45]
			"ArmsSingle", -- [46]
			"Guardian_ST", -- [47]
			"ArmsMulti", -- [48]
			"BmNineties", -- [49]
			"Moonkin_MT", -- [50]
			"FuryHundreds", -- [51]
			"ProtMulti", -- [52]
			"Feral-MT", -- [53]

Further in that file - Have a look in the GSELibrary Section for an entry that starts [0] and look to see if you have GSE1 looking macros.

What you could try is this:

backup that file so that if this doesnt work you can get it back.

/run GSELibrary[0] = nil
Log out / logback into a character
Go to /gs
Click on GSE1 Legacy Adaptor to reimport the legacy ones and see if that behaves.


I found one legacy macro I added from someone that didn't work well but absolutely forgot about, it was way down there indeed.

I just did /gs resetoptions and it worked like a charm (you do realize this is for lazy people right, we ain't going to /run stuff jk ๐Ÿ˜œ ) I didn't have anything special I needed to keep anyway.

For future reference though, type /run in game? or in CMD? I figure you mean the game but the first few times I read the post you mention something about doing it in a text editor OR running /run GSELibrary[0] = nil after reading it a few times I figured you switched back to talking about in game but at first I really thought you meant CMD and I highly doubt that will do anything in CMD ;)

Thanks so much for your help and really I love your addon ๐Ÿ‘


Yeah the /run command in wow lets you run small amounts of Mod Lua code direct. You can use this to do a lot of useful things.


That's good to know. I actually never really looked in to wow modding or anything past the basic console commands but things like that can be really helpful debugging :) so thanks, it might be useful some time in the future